View Full Version : New Guy - Anxiety.

12-04-10, 03:40
Hey Guys,

I moved to London from West Kent to go to University in September. I've had the time of my life really, but always overhanging is my anxiety. it all started when I went to a club for Halloween and saw a girl I knew at school. she was absolutley off her face on gof know what. I've never been a fan of drugs and she insited on talking to me so i thought I'd be polite etc, she asked me if I did drugs and i said that i didn't then we just talked about random stuff. as we were sitting there i felt a pinch on my leg (i was wearing shorts) and I asked her what it was and she told me she was pulling a hair out of my leg, but I instantly thought she had stabbed me with a needle. me and my friends left the club. ever since I've been panicking that she has pricked me with a needle infected with HIV. I know this is highly unlikely, but I can't help keep questioning it. & it's changed everything, I get really worried I've got absolutely everything. I find myself googling everything worrying that I have it. when I go out clubbing or to a pub I get really paranoid that people are going to drug my drink and whenever someone brushes past me i panic that they have wiped some deadly substance, or drugs on me.

I'm really hoping that the citalopram will help me. I just wanted to share with you guys and talk to some people with similar problems.

thanks <3

12-04-10, 03:41
Hi MartynBLee

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-04-10, 03:42
Thanks Diane.

I think it will be nice to talk to like minded people
