View Full Version : to scared to have a smear!

12-04-10, 11:08
Hi everyone, im new on here but reading everyones posts made me feel like im not the only one whos like this.I have all sorts of anxieties i.e brain tumours when i have head aches, leukeimia when i get a bruise and at the moment im dwelling on cervican and ovarian cancer. I get period type pains in my hips and lower abs but been told by the dr i have a water inf . I keep putting it down to ibs as i do not go to the loo often enough and sometimes i go and pass little hard stools.I have panic attacks 3-4 times a day. I really need to have a smear but im so frightened as my friend had cancer but is now recovered(thankfully) I have a little boy and i cant face being told im going to die. I see a psychiatrist and im on anti depressants but that doesnt stop these thoughts.Can anyone please help or at least say they have the same worries.

wish you all well
kelly :unsure:xxx

12-04-10, 11:13
But if something was wrong Kelly wouldn't it be better to find out early so you have a chance of treatment?

Smears are horrid at the best of times but when you are anxious they are even worse. I had one last week as I was a year overdue for it. I eventually confessed to my mum that I had not had one and she came with me. I even made her come in and hold my hand! Do you have someone who could come with you?

Cell block H fan
12-04-10, 11:20
Hi everyone, im new on here but reading everyones posts made me feel like im not the only one whos like this.I have all sorts of anxieties i.e brain tumours when i have head aches, leukeimia when i get a bruise and at the moment im dwelling on cervican and ovarian cancer. I get period type pains in my hips and lower abs but been told by the dr i have a water inf . I keep putting it down to ibs as i do not go to the loo often enough and sometimes i go and pass little hard stools.I have panic attacks 3-4 times a day. I really need to have a smear but im so frightened as my friend had cancer but is now recovered(thankfully) I have a little boy and i cant face being told im going to die. I see a psychiatrist and im on anti depressants but that doesnt stop these thoughts.Can anyone please help or at least say they have the same worries.

wish you all well
kelly :unsure:xxx

I can totally relate to you chick. I had the treatment for abnormal cells 18/19 years ago, yearly smears after that, that always came back normal. I haven't had one for over 3 years now though, moving house & doctors, coming out of a rubbish relationship, & the biggest one.. fear of having it done. The irony is its because its been so long now, I worry about the result more. Which is insane really isn't it. I always get period pains when i'm not due on at the moment, thats worried me, but I am putting it down to I.B.S, even though my mind tells me its something to do with the cervix. But its a case of keeping it in perspective, I would have other symptoms too.
I am a mum of 2 early teens.
I'm also dreading going to have it done at the new doctors, as the nurses dont seem all that nice. But seeing your thread here has reminded me I need to ring & book it, today! Period ended yesterday, so I need to make it for about a weeks time.
So thanks to you I am going to book it now, why dont you do the same, then we can both put our minds at rest?

12-04-10, 11:23
hi, yes i do think its best to find out early on but what if im too late? its not having it done that frightens me though its waiting for the results i know my aniety will go through the roof. I have just made n app to have a test i have to go at half 5 tonight.so i may well be on here everyday to let it out. im already shaking.

thanks for your reply xx

Cell block H fan
12-04-10, 11:32
hi, yes i do think its best to find out early on but what if im too late? its not having it done that frightens me though its waiting for the results i know my aniety will go through the roof. I have just made n app to have a test i have to go at half 5 tonight.so i may well be on here everyday to let it out. im already shaking.

thanks for your reply xx

Good on you. I cant have mine until next wednesday at 10.30 am, just booked it! The nurse is away til then. But atleast we have made a step in the right direction. Yes the waiting is rubbish, do you know how long yours takes? I think here its a couple of months! I am hoping I forget about it to a certain extent, fingers crossed! If they say its abnormal, I will then be thinking darn why did I wait 3 years!?

12-04-10, 13:34
Hi, I have the same fears. Its actually weird and comforting seeing someone else write the way I feel most of the time. I, like you are scared of the results. I went for my pap test just over 2 weeks ago and when I was lying there she said my cervix had a red spot on it. WELLLLLL, thanks alot. Now in my head Im saying I just knew it, Oh $%$# etc and having to wait for the results has been awful. I have been a mess. Im so scared, that I know my results are there but I cant bring myself to go as I just dont think I can cope with any bad news. I go through this same panic every 2 years. My heart goes out to you but Im sure you will be fine. Take care and just know we are all here to support you. :hugs:

12-04-10, 14:30
I know how you feel. I'm 30 next Monday and never had a smear in my life. Dr says I don't need one if I don't want one as she knows how bad my anxiety is. She just tells me if I have any warning signs to go and see her but that all my symptoms are down to IBS and anxiety

12-04-10, 16:16
i cant thank u all enough for all the support.ive had no warning signs either and no history in my family its what us woomen av to go through ay.keep well all, as im sure we all are xxxx

12-04-10, 23:57
Well done Kelly and Cell Block H fan... you've both conquered your fears and actually booked a test. You should be very proud of yourselves!!!

13-04-10, 12:16
I know how you feel. I'm 30 next Monday and never had a smear in my life. Dr says I don't need one if I don't want one as she knows how bad my anxiety is. She just tells me if I have any warning signs to go and see her but that all my symptoms are down to IBS and anxiety

Wow, unless you are a virgin I have to say I think that's really irresponsible!

The whole point about a smear is that it detects cell changes, something which happens before you even develop cancer. "Warning signs" are just that, a sign that something may actually be wrong.

Your doctor would be far better doing all she can to reassure you and make you feel at ease during the test.

13-04-10, 15:11
I'm more afraid of the scans than I am of anything in life. Its my worst fear. Once I get to the doctor, I am usually o.k., but getting there is very very difficult for me. I put myself through months of agony before I have no choice but to go so I won't be in limbo.

Having had HA for so many years, I can tell YOU (as opposed to myself) that there is no worse fear than the unknown. Telling myself that is another story.

I'm currently deep into thinking I have pancreatic cancer. 2 months of this is killing me. I finally got the nerve to see the doctor who ordered a scan for Thursday. I haven't slept since the test was ordered, and probably won't until its over. I can totally relate.

I think there are two types of people with HA - those who go to the doctor repeatedly for reassurance, and those who avoid the doctor. I'm definately in the latter group.

Cell block H fan
13-04-10, 16:51
I'm more afraid of the scans than I am of anything in life. Its my worst fear. Once I get to the doctor, I am usually o.k., but getting there is very very difficult for me. I put myself through months of agony before I have no choice but to go so I won't be in limbo.

Having had HA for so many years, I can tell YOU (as opposed to myself) that there is no worse fear than the unknown. Telling myself that is another story.

I'm currently deep into thinking I have pancreatic cancer. 2 months of this is killing me. I finally got the nerve to see the doctor who ordered a scan for Thursday. I haven't slept since the test was ordered, and probably won't until its over. I can totally relate.

I think there are two types of people with HA - those who go to the doctor repeatedly for reassurance, and those who avoid the doctor. I'm definately in the latter group.

I'm the latter too Blondie. I will avoid the docs like the plague these days! But it wasn't always like that, when the HA started 17/18 years ago I was at the doctors atleast once a week. She was so good though, it was reassurance I always needed. Now I hate going, i'm at a different doctors & seem to have lost the reassurance need & replaced it with the bury the head in the sand thing!
Strange how it can change.
Let us know how your scan goes.