View Full Version : Had blood pressure taken

12-04-10, 11:44
was 128/98.

Was told the 98 was a little high but not too worry. What everyone else think??

Cell block H fan
12-04-10, 12:45
was 128/98.

Was told the 98 was a little high but not too worry. What everyone else think??

I think mine 2 years ago was 145/85? That was too high the nurse said, but when I went back a few weeks later it had gone down a bit so I didn't worry. Yours sounds fine to me.

12-04-10, 14:42
Hi OP, not really high, I wouldn't worry. It is possibly white coat syndrome, your blood pressure is up because of anxiety. Often BP is up when you go to hospital or docs due to anxiety but if you take it at home it is more normal,


12-04-10, 17:22
Thats normal for someone with anxiety - my mother in law has high blood pressure and even on loads of tablets and she is calm as a cucumber hers is never below 170/98. its the consistenly very high that worries them. 140/90 is top end of normal and you need to knock of about 5-10 for anxiety.

12-04-10, 18:02
I will tell you how anxiety can effect Blood Pressure, if I am tested in hospital and I am not even feeling anxious it has been as high 200/160, the doc thought I should have been dead my resting pulse was 110! Now that IS high. But at home my BP is 120/80 or below, I was even given a 24 hour BP monitor and it was always normal. Anxiety can cause strange things to happen with your body,Peter

12-04-10, 20:45
yep same here my BP is always high at the doctors but not at home... I had a 24 hr monitor to check and it came out fine except for the few hours in the evening when I started having a panic attack and it shot up really high for several hours because I was getting more and more anxious about having the darn monitor onn.... the doctor looked at the results and nearly laughed coz he couldnt believe what had happened... just shows how anxiety effects the body! Fight or flight in action biys and girls!


12-04-10, 20:56
Had my BP taken last week. First reading was 162/90. Doc said 5 mins and take it again as I was anxious.. Second read was 152/90... Then a third was done which settled at 150/90.. Now I thought that was a little high but Doc said no. It was fine considering "white coat hypertension", also, 10 years ago BP was accepted as 100 plus your age (systolic).. then a new perfect figure was set after taking bp,s of 1000's of people.

12-04-10, 21:57
I wouldn't worry, doctors/nurses seem more concerned with the top reading than the bottom. If they were concerned they would have said so.

13-04-10, 14:08
but my bottom was 98.

SO how do i get that down?

13-04-10, 14:16
I'd say just by relaxing. Hard I know, I've been there. Went to the doctors and it was 160/100, so she arranged for me to see the nurse 3 times over 3 weeks at different times of day for more readings. Each time I went the numbers lessened.

The 1st time I went the numbers were all over the place, 145/95, then 150/85, then 135/95 then 128/88 or something. Same happened the next two times, so we took an average and I was around 130/85.

It's amazing how much your blood pressure can swing over just a 3 minute period.

I have a blood pressure reading metre at home now and take it various times of the day, it's usually higher at night than in the morning. Mostly it is still around 130/85 but I do have days where it is higher. The key I found is to ignore the instructions. It says not to take more than 1 reading in a 5 minute period, but the nurse said just put on the metre, sit down, and take 4 or 5 readings, it's amazing how much the 1st reading goes down by once I'm calm with it being on.