View Full Version : anxiety/dizziness

12-04-10, 13:03
Hi everyone just become a member today, not feeling to good, struggling with my symptoms, the worst being the constant lightheadedness and a feeling that i will fall over when in public anybody else suffer with this symptom xxx

12-04-10, 13:06
Hi Loraine

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-04-10, 16:15
Hi, Yes I do get this and its awful, I know exactly how you feel, I don't know what the cause is either?

12-04-10, 17:44
Hi Loraine,
I get the dizziness / feeling unsteady most of the time - feels like I am walking on sponges ! - just another one of the symptoms of anxiety.

12-04-10, 18:10
Me too, get this lots and I would think it is another symptom of anxiety. It is blooming horrible and I hate it :-)


Veronica H
12-04-10, 20:43
:welcome:to NMP. The dizziness is very familiar to many of us. It does settle as nerves become less sensitised. Glad that you have found us.


12-04-10, 21:00
Hi Loraine

yes, I also have dizzy/lighthead turns.. I do though suffer with neck and shoulder tension which can cause it too.

12-04-10, 22:48
Hi Loraine,
Do you take any particular medication for your symptoms?

13-04-10, 16:11
This is my worst symptom of anxiety, i hate it :(

Vanilla Sky
13-04-10, 20:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

14-04-10, 13:12
Hi, I suffer from the same stuff. I used to try and combat it by drinking loads of coffe and lucazade but that makes it worse. What did work for me was herbal teas (Camomile, pepermint and cherry worked best) and going for short walks (has 3 benifits, fresh air, helps curculates the blood and helps you face you fear a little at a time to buld comfidence) I also take Adcal-D3 (Calcium and vitimin D suplement) prescribed by my doctor wich is said to help with brain function.Thease are some sugestons, see what combinations work for you

20-04-10, 13:41
Thanks everybody for replying, nice to know your not alone:hugs:

20-04-10, 20:30
The dizziness has been the symptom I have had for the longest Loraine. Eventually you will just learn to deal with it. I have never fell over from it before and have learned to just accept it.

22-04-10, 23:49
Hi I too am new and thank God I am not the only one with the dizziness problems. Really bad in line ups at the supermarket or even the bank.Heck!!! there were times it got so bad I'd just leave the full cart of food in the line up just to get out of there.

23-04-10, 14:15
Hi there, I too suffer from the light headed sensations/dizziness sometimes all day long.
I often described it as feeling like I was walking on a rocking boat or being drunk!!
I found out that the reason for this was down to my panic & anxiety, when your anxious you breath more, this increase in breathing causes a very small decrease in blood to the head (never enough to harm you) this causes symptoms of dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, sense of unreality and hot flushes. when I get these symptoms I concentrate on my feet (don't laugh) with my mind I really try to feel my feet, every toe,I try to imagine i'm like a tree with roots grounding me to the floor, I dont know why but for me using these tools helps. I hope maybe they could help you feel abit better too and remember your not alone.

Take care Charlotte xx

24-04-10, 00:52
Right on! I did Laugh: Sorry . Sounds good : LOOK AT MY FEET!!. I,m going to try it know. HEY!!!! keep in touch.

24-04-10, 01:41
Hi Loraine, welcome :hugs:

24-04-10, 10:55
And there was me thinking it was just me!!!
I saw someone mention it was worse when they were standing in a queue. I find mine is worse when I'm queueing or having to stand on the spot. It seems less bothersome when I'm moving. Anyone else the same?
I'm going to try the 'tree' idea today :)
also welcome to the site! I've only been here a day and I already feel at home!

24-04-10, 11:22
Hi Loraine, welcome to nmp. the lightheadedness is my worst anxiety symptom, its a horrible feeling, but very common with anxiety sufferers.
I too feel worse when stood on the spot vixxy i seem to sway all over the place when stood up its horrible, i really feel like im going to go over.
take care