View Full Version : Just saying Hi

12-04-10, 13:45
Hi All

Am new to the site - I get the odd bouts of anxiety and am feeling well at the moment - mainly due to reading the posts on here for a few weeks and realising I am not going mad after all! Although not a constant problem, when I do get anxious I have endless mind chatter (all negative of course), worrying thoughts and generally convince myself I am not worthy of anything.

Am married with 2 little ones (am sure I wasnt as emotional and anxious before my little precious bundles arrived!!) and am happy with life, but have been hit sideways a little by this appearance of anxiety about 4 months ago (although I have had a few symptoms for years just didnt realise what they were - quirks!!). My main fear is flying and dying. Flying doesnt bother me as much as it can be avoided (sorted :blush:), but the dying thing terrifies me and has done since I was little, so most of my thoughts when I am anxious surrounds this and just a feeling something horrible is going to happen or even worse caused by me:unsure:.

Good to find you all :D

12-04-10, 13:46
Hi bramblebloss

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-04-10, 14:37
Hi and welcome to NMP

I'm sure you'll find all the help and support you need here and hope you also enjoy your stay with us.