View Full Version : things that are worrying me at the moment...

12-04-10, 14:41
For the past 8 weeks now I have been suffering from what I guess you would call brain fog..I cant seem to think with much clarity, have a hard time focusing and keeping in control of my thoughts...My mind literally feels like mush most of the time...I have other symptoms too...I feel spaced out, detatched and really odd..Things around me just dont seem "right"...At night while I try to sleep I jerk/twitch...Have very weird and surreal dreams and last night..I just couldnt get to sleep..everytime I tried I awoke as soon as I dropped off feeling like I was suffocating..Also felt intense TINGLES down my body (legs mainly)..and when I was fully awake I had these chill sensations and just felt REALLY strange..It was easily one of the scariest nights of my life!!!..Also, I feel a lot more irritable at times and dizzy/lightheaded...Even had verrryyy subtle vertigo...I just dont know wht cold be wrong with me?! a brain infection?? ear problems?? could it be linked to migraines....Im really scared I have a brain tumour or damage has been done to my brain somehow...irrerversible damage!...Sometimes I just freeze when doing something..Sometimes I am forgetful..Clumsy..Have short term mem probs...ARGHHHHH!!! The last two days I thought I was getting better then last night came along!!!!

Im doing well..Or at least I was..In regards to not flipping my lid and gong rnning to the hospital..Teeling myself tht I had a Brain Scan in December and the odds of anything drastic changing are very very slim...my doctor confirmed this to me during my last visit btw...But these weird episodes have thrown a aspanner in the works and Im really struggling..well..failing to keep my anxiety/fear/paranoia in check

12-04-10, 16:37
Thats a relief!

I mean, I know I cant be the only one in the world who has felt or is feeling this way.

I did some reserach and found a few other people with strikingly similar symptoms.
I just cant stop thinking im having seizures or that my brain is damaged...It cant be a tumor...I had the MRI a few months ago and it showed nothing abnormal...Im just fed up and frustrated and scared!!

But thanks for your reply and Ill keep you in mind should I need to chat!


13-04-10, 09:36
I know exactly how you feel, i Felt like this for 3 weeks straight and was worried it was never going to end. I have just started back on Amitryptiline again and it seems to have helped an awfull lot mainly because im sleeping so much better so my brain doesnt feel so tired as it did when I wasnt sleeping which has helped with the brain fog alot.