View Full Version : 2nd Colposcopy

12-04-10, 14:47
Hi, I am having to go for a second colposcopy in May and I am really worried. I had my first one in November 2009 because my smear test (which I had to fight to get because I was just 24, even though I had explained to doctors that I bled everytime I had intercourse) showed abnormal cells, which turned out to be the most severe cell changes CIN3, which I completey freaked out about. After the colposcopy I was told that my smears would return to normal and I would have to have another smear in 6 months. I have been for a smear since because something wasn't right still, and again it showed abnormal cells and I am even more worried now as I have read more about abnormal cells and I am really scared that I have the beginnings of cancer. Firstly, has anyone had CIN3 and had colposcopy to return it to normal? If so, how long ago and are your smears back to normal? What are the chances of this developing into cancer? And can the cells sometimes be missed after having a colposcopy so it is quite common to go back for a 2nd? I have also read somewhere that if after the 3rd colposcopic treatment it still hasn't improved, then they consider carrying out a hysterctomy. I am really worried and would like to hear from others who have been through this just to put my mind at rest that things will be ok x

12-04-10, 15:11
I just replied to another post about abnormal cells. But to make a long story short about 5 years ago (I was around 23) I had abnormal cells on a pap test, they did a colposcopy, they then did a biopsy and told me it was severe dysplasia and explained it was the stage just before cancer so of course I freaked out thinking that meant I had cancer. However they did a LEEP procedure to remove the cells and I had colposcopy every 6 months (until I got pregnant) and after that I've had a pap test once a year and not another problem since. Did they remove the cells they found during your test?

12-04-10, 16:29
hi thought i would send you a message of support because i have just found out on friday following a recent smear test that i have the severe cell changes (im 29), got an appointment for the coloscopy a week tomorrow.
I know i shouldnt have but i googled it for a bit of research and i read a few womens stories that they needed treatment twice before getting rid of all the bad cells. Did you have treatment at the time because i also read that they can perform different procedures so maybe they would try one of those next time. I also read on lots of different sites that it takes 10 plus years for severe cell changes to turn into cancer and that they are not always pre cancerous cells anyway.
Im up and down with my worrying at the moment, one min im quite positive and the next im frightened, but i guess thats normal.
Anyway please keep in touch and let me know how you get on, im sure everything will be fine for the both of us. feel free to message me anytime

12-04-10, 17:07
In response to Icysmooth:
I just replied to another post about abnormal cells. But to make a long story short about 5 years ago (I was around 23) I had abnormal cells on a pap test, they did a colposcopy, they then did a biopsy and told me it was severe dysplasia and explained it was the stage just before cancer so of course I freaked out thinking that meant I had cancer. However they did a LEEP procedure to remove the cells and I had colposcopy every 6 months (until I got pregnant) and after that I've had a pap test once a year and not another problem since. Did they remove the cells they found during your test?

Thank you for your response, my mind is starting to be put to rest now. Yes at the colposcopy they did the procedure which burns the cells away, I can't remember what that was called, and they did the biopsy which came back negative. I am just really worried as I have to go back again and it was only a few months ago, but I am hoping that things will be ok after my next colposcopy and that like you it will just take a few goes.

Cell block H fan
12-04-10, 19:28
In response to Icysmooth:
I just replied to another post about abnormal cells. But to make a long story short about 5 years ago (I was around 23) I had abnormal cells on a pap test, they did a colposcopy, they then did a biopsy and told me it was severe dysplasia and explained it was the stage just before cancer so of course I freaked out thinking that meant I had cancer. However they did a LEEP procedure to remove the cells and I had colposcopy every 6 months (until I got pregnant) and after that I've had a pap test once a year and not another problem since. Did they remove the cells they found during your test?

Thank you for your response, my mind is starting to be put to rest now. Yes at the colposcopy they did the procedure which burns the cells away, I can't remember what that was called, and they did the biopsy which came back negative. I am just really worried as I have to go back again and it was only a few months ago, but I am hoping that things will be ok after my next colposcopy and that like you it will just take a few goes.

Loop diathery treatment?
The Colposcopy is just the camera really, I had to have it twice, but it was an arror on the consultants part, reassuring huh! lol She did the wrong section the first time. But it was no problem. It was sorted in time.
I had normal pap tests every year after that for the last 18/19 years, due to have another next week. Eeeek.

12-04-10, 19:58
Dear Hannah,
I had a similar thing happen to me when I was about 22/23, I am 28 now. I had an abnormal smear, and then a second so was sent for colposcopy. I had cold coagulation and smears every three months then six etc. My smears did not return to normal for the first couple and then they did. Please do not worry as you are being monitored and nothing is going to suddenly get out of control. I know it is hard I am very scared of cervical cancer. I also have a friend who has recently be diagnosed and is due to have a radical hysterectomy and radiotherapy. She is only 30 but has been ignoring going for a smear test for many years and has symptoms which she ignored for a long time. You have done all the right things and will be fine


12-04-10, 19:59
Oh and I did have CIN 3 X

Onwards & Upwards
12-04-10, 20:00
Dear Hannah,
I had a similar thing happen to me when I was about 22/23, I am 28 now. I had an abnormal smear, and then a second so was sent for colposcopy. I had cold coagulation and smears every three months then six etc. My smears did not return to normal for the first couple and then they did. Please do not worry as you are being monitored and nothing is going to suddenly get out of control. I know it is hard I am very scared of cervical cancer. I also have a friend who has recently be diagnosed and is due to have a radical hysterectomy and radiotherapy. She is only 30 but has been ignoring going for a smear test for many years and has symptoms which she ignored for a long time. You have done all the right things and will be fine


Can I ask what symptoms your friend ignored!? I'm hoping when things do go wrong it's pretty obvious and not just a little bit of pain now and then!?!?!?

12-04-10, 20:15
Sure, I did not add that bit to scare people but just to try to reassure that it is indeed very slow growing and also very treatable in the early stages. My friend in fact has a very good prognosis as well. From what she has told me , she has not had a proper smear for about 7 years. A couple of times they came back as insufficient cells and she never returned. ( that doesn't really happen anymore due to the new brush they use to scrape). She said she has had very dodgy discharge and very irregular bleeding. Thats at least for the last year. I know that bleeding after sex is another very good indicator ( but can also be due to cervical erosions which are basically harmless ). If you have dodgy bleeding etc and are taking contraceptives esp. injection, coil, implant etc, and are up to date on smears it is more likely to be hormonal. Also if you have always had irregular periods. I have had this problem for the last couple of years due to contraceptives. But my last smear was clear and the doctors insist its the contraceptives. I also made one look at my cervix and was told if cancer has developed past 4cm it is visable to the human eye. I still worry a bit but basically Jade Goody has scared the life out of everyone. Her situation is very rare. And my friend thinks hers has been lurking for years, who knows how long. The important thing is to go for smears and report new symptoms. Hope that helps x

12-04-10, 20:27
Also my friend has just been bloody unlucky !

Onwards & Upwards
12-04-10, 20:54
It does help! Thank you for all of that!

I don't have any of that going on and never have so I think I'm OK! I've never gone for a smear though and I'm almost 29, so I'm thinking about booking one. It's not that I've been blind about it, I've always kinda thought that i"ve got things in my favour in that I've had very few sexual partners and only one of those was ever unprotected (long term boyf) and no history of it in my family, don't smoke etc and I'm not on any contraceptives so I know that everything that does happen is a totally natural process, so to speak.

You mentioned Jade, I heard something recently that an expert reckoned Jade's cancer would have been "blindingly obvious" or words to that effect cos she'd had abnormal smears since she was 17 and her cancer was the size of a "tennis ball" I think she said, her attitude was that something could have been done sooner and that Jade was kinda let down.

Your sentiments here: The important thing is to go for smears and report new symptoms. Hope that helps x http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=646687) are absolutely right. I'm gonna book one...soon! It's bound to be a little embarrassing first time hey? But if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all! (If you know what I mean!) :winks:

12-04-10, 21:03
Ha ha absolutely, and mine is ermm not the most beautiful, and as a woman who's had 3 children seems to have had to get it out willy nilly so to speak, so don't be embarrased ! And it's good you don't have any risk factors. I have the horrible HPV, and also smoke:ohmy:, yes which I know is awful, but am trying to give up. But I can only go by what the docs and my smears say. And am relatively reassured by them. I am glad you are getting a smear because everyone should. My friend has alot of risk factors as well by the way x

Take care

13-04-10, 09:37
hi thought i would send you a message of support because i have just found out on friday following a recent smear test that i have the severe cell changes (im 29), got an appointment for the coloscopy a week tomorrow.
I know i shouldnt have but i googled it for a bit of research and i read a few womens stories that they needed treatment twice before getting rid of all the bad cells. Did you have treatment at the time because i also read that they can perform different procedures so maybe they would try one of those next time. I also read on lots of different sites that it takes 10 plus years for severe cell changes to turn into cancer and that they are not always pre cancerous cells anyway.
Im up and down with my worrying at the moment, one min im quite positive and the next im frightened, but i guess thats normal.
Anyway please keep in touch and let me know how you get on, im sure everything will be fine for the both of us. feel free to message me anytime

Hi Mary3, yes I had a cone biopsy and the cold coagulation to get rid of the bad cells when I had my colposcopy, and I did get the letter 6 weeks after that all was clear and should have returned my smears to normal, so I thought all would be well but things haven't improved. Yes I have read lots of things that say it can take years to develop but what scares me is that I became sexually active when I was 16, 8 years ago, that just adds to my worry. I am trying to stay calm now as I have read lots on here about things being fine and it just takes a few times so hopefully it will be fine soon. I was petrified when I got the letter about having the first colposcopy and got ill for weeks because I worried so much, which isn't good at all, but the procedure was fine, you get to see it on camera which is pretty weird! And I didn't feel a thing, but one part of the procedure they warn you that it might feel like a period pain but I didn't have any pain. Let me know how you got on with your colposcopy next week x

13-04-10, 10:01
Onwards and Upwards, do book a test and don't be embarrassed at all, just think how many they have seen! Can I also just add that cervical cancer does not run in family's, a lot of people think that but it has nothing to do with the family history. And also, they still don't know if the pill causes it because this could mean that people who are on the pill have more unprotected sex, so they still aren't clear whether this causes it. Also, my great-aunt had lots of abnormal smears when she was in her twentys, and she had only had one partner who she used protection with, but luckily hers did become normal after several treatments. I think you are right that the key factor is to go for regular smears and not ignore things down there.

Trying, what are your friend's risk factors exactly? Does anyone think it would be best if I came off the pill and used a cap or diaphragm, as they cover the cervix don't they? I read up on this but no doctor has suggested that, and they know I am on the pill, so am wondering if this would help or not. My letter I got after my colposcopy said HPV was present, so does this mean it will never go away? They say that it should go away normally as nearly everyone who has sex is open to it, but most people clear it naturally, as you don't know you have it as such and there is no test for it. Is there a cure though, or will I always have this?

I don't think they explain enough to you when you go for the colposcopy, so I think I will write all these questions down and take them with me for my next one (I could be in there for hours..!)

Cell block H fan
13-04-10, 10:58
I stopped taking the pill after I had the treatment on the cervix to be honest, but that was my personal choice, I didn't stop smoking though! Typical 20 yr old lol But I always had normal results after that every year. I'm not convinced its to do with the pill, but I think if you both smoke & on the pill it can increase the risk?
I was only with my second ever partner when I got the abnormal result, so it annoys me a bit when the media always mention lots of partners.
I was young, 15, when I lost my virginity, but went on to marry him, then the second man I was with I went on to have 2 children with after the cervical treatment. Ive had waaaay more partners since then though, we split age 30, yet no abnormal results since, so I never pay much attention to the amount of partners bit myself lol