View Full Version : Chest Pains?!

20-01-06, 15:40
I have been suffering and complaining about chest pains for over a year. I had convinced my self it was my heart and have been to see my doctor countless times about it. This time I went my doctor asked me if I suffer heart burn and indigestion, I thought it was a daft question to ask, but I answered yes. She then got me to lay on the table and she felt my stomach and she said that I have hietus hernia from when I was pregnant with the twins. She then went on to explain that the stamach can cause chest pains on the left side (around the heart region) and alot of people, mostly men, have this complaint and some have even ended up in the Cardiac Unit only to find out that it's Acid indigestion! So yes this is what has been causeing my chest problems (touch wood) cause she has put me on tablets for my stomach and since then I haven't had chest pains! yay.

I just thought I would post this incase others have the same problem and maybe want to rule out acid indigestion! I do understand that chest pain is linked with anxiety but there could be more like me out there.

Take Carexx
ty for reading


20-01-06, 15:58
Hey Claire, Im really pleased that you have got rid of the pains. It must be such a relief. Good for you and your GP!


20-01-06, 16:17
I'm so glad that you have got to the bottom of it!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

20-01-06, 20:06
I used to get acid indigestion and the pain in my chest was incredible. I used to be crying with it cos it hurt so much.

I too took some meds for it and it was instant relief after only 2 days.

Glad you are getting yours sorted now.


21-01-06, 13:53
hi i also suffer chest pains and like you had twins who are now 2.im going to ask my doc about this although he has checked me over.hope you continue to feel well.take care marcia

marcia lowe

21-01-06, 13:54
Glad youve got it sorted, take care, xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

21-01-06, 15:57
Hi Claire :D

I am soooo happy to hear you have got things sorted out with your chest pain, but sorry to hear you have a hietus henia.
It must be a great releaf for you knowing that this problem is sorted and you can take meds to stop the pain.

My mum had very bad chest pain about a year ago, she was on her hols and thought she was having a heart attack. She too found out she has an hietus hernia and takes meds for that, she too has NO MORE pain.

One of my daughters anxiety symptoms was chest pain, her's was due to acid reflux, which was caused by the anxiety, meds gave her relief from this pain.

You take care Claire.


07-02-06, 12:57
ty guys for your replies, sorry I haven' replied before now but I have been quite busy with the kids.

I'm still not getting chest pain, often get a bit of discomfort still and get the aches in my arms but that is just the anxiety unfortunatly!

Take Carexx


08-02-06, 00:32
Glad you got things sorted jammiebasket, i seem to suffer alot with chest pains as well, now and again they come from nowhere, quite afew times i have thought a blood clot in the lungs was causing the pain but i have had it on and off for awhile now so i was obviously wrong lol :)