View Full Version : ADRENALINE rush when standing. Please answer.

12-04-10, 16:38
Does anyone get an adrenaline rush when standing up.

It used to happen once in a while with me but lately its been happening alot because I think about it happening before standing.

Its like if i stand up and walk it doesnt seem apparent but if im standing still after standing(like waiting to cross the street) i start to feel panicky and a warm sensation goes through my chest and my heart pounds or races.

Im on 25mg metroprolo and .25mg xanax.

Ive had a normal echo 5 ecg's and two chest xrays with bloodwork.

Has anyone experienced these symptoms at all?? Please answer.

12-04-10, 16:57
glad you posted your thread ,i get it when waking up its so scary was worried

12-04-10, 17:08
mine only seems to happen when standing to suddenly or thinking it will happen before standing.

13-04-10, 02:43
Will I ever be able to stand up normally without feeling thsi way???? :weep:

22-07-10, 19:57
I was actually looking up this exact symptom and wanted to reassure you.

I have the same thing. Especially in the morning when the alarm goes off (its across the room) and I have to walk over to turn it off.

Its got something to do with the blood pressure change from going from horizontal to vertical. People with anxiety just don't physically adapt to it very well.

You might want to try sitting first for a min or so and then standing ... eases it a bit for me.

PS its common so don't think its going to kill you or anything ... I just try to get good cardio exercise as often as I can to keep my heart healthy.

22-07-10, 20:08
Hi, Yes I get this when I stop at cashpoints, crossings or have to stop to chat to people, it feels like im going up in the air or falling down!

22-07-10, 20:57
It sounds like low blood pressure to me. Do you know what your blood pressure readings are?