View Full Version : tight throat and uncomfortable in the chest - help!!

12-04-10, 17:11
hi there, just joined and very new to this site, but wanted to get some reassurance that i am ok from people that are experiencing the same symptoms. i have been experiencing anxiety on and off for a few months now. it started after my ex boyf split up with me unexpectedly in september and then i experienced a panic attack for the first time, which really scared me and i have been anxious ever since. i experienced palpatations and a racing heart and had various checks from the doctor and all is fine. he put me on beta blockers and citalopram which i have been trying to cut down as i have been feeling better. however about three months ago up to now i have been experiencing an uncomfortable chest and a feeling like there is a lump in my throat, which is really scary and i keep thinking the worse and really scared that something serious is wrong with me. sometimes i get indigestion and a burning sensation but i would say that the majority of the time i get a tight throat and feel extremely full in the chest. has anyone else experienced this?? part of me accepts that this is anxiety but i still get scared as feel so ill sometimes, any advice and reassurance would be great from fellow sufferers????? thanks Katy

12-04-10, 19:04
Hello Katy, welcome to to the forum. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way, panic attacks are frightening, even more so when they are completely new to you, which of course makes you panic more and adds to our symptoms.

Tightening of the throat and feeling sick are classic panic symptoms, I find sucking on ginger biscuits is very helpful to combat that feeling, ginger is actually used as an anti-nausea aide.

Uncomfy chest is another classic panic symptoms, tightness of the chest and pains.
I put a hot water bottle (wrapped in a towel) on my chest to help me when i feel like that, i think the heat helps to ease the pains.

take care, Moose xxx

12-04-10, 20:05
Hi Moose, thanks for your message and 4 the reassurance, i fell like the tight chest and the throat feeling are the same thing, as they come together. i feel like my throat is closing of there is a lump in my throat, but it doesnt affect breathing and i have an uncomfortable feeling in my eosphagus i guess, and then i can get some indigestion from time to time. i get so scared that i cant believe that its just anxiety, as i feel awful. not so much sharp painsin the chest like i used to get, but like a fullness in the chest and feel sick, like something is putting pressure on my foodpipe - well that is what it feels like, it doesnt hurt to eat or drink and am not actually sick, just feel it. then i just feel fear all the time because it is there all the time, like it is something serious, can u tell me a little more about what you experience?? and thank you 4 taking the time to read and offer advice - hope u are ok xx

12-04-10, 22:29
Helllo Katy,..........I get the same things it is all anxiety,after many dr's visits and finding nothing,I was sent to a health Psychologist,who told me that is all it was,I do breathing exercises and visualisation which really helps a lot.Hope you start to feel better

14-04-10, 17:14
thanks Rhonda, do you get these uncomfortable feelings pretty much everyday?? i have found that my worries about my family and my anxiety have come back really strong at the mo, and my mind is a whirlwind of 'what-ifs' and fears and i feel impending doom and the moment and want to just enjoy my life and not worry about these things, i am only 29!! do u feel like this?? :)

14-04-10, 17:18
also, i am doubly worried at the mo, as my sister had an abnormal blood test result come back on her liver function, which is a shock and completely out the blue, she is 25 and doesnt drink, so rationale says that it was a faulty test and she is fine and there is nothing to worry about. they want to re-test in a month, so if it was anything bad then they would have called her in straight away, but all my anxiety is focusing on that and these new symptoms and i am really scared about my sister being ill, any advice greatly appreciated?? just want a happy, healthy family and me and the rest will come one day!! x

14-04-10, 18:18
I've had these symptoms since my anxiety first started close to 20 years ago. I'm at the point where I know that its related to anxiety (after a full cardiac work-up years ago) and pretty much have learned to ignore it.

I wish I could say the same for other parts of my body!