View Full Version : Struggling badly!

12-04-10, 20:41
Hi all.
I'm having a terrible time right now and can't fix it!
And then to top everything off last night, while i was upset i had a nosebleed and now that is ruining all for me as i have a devastating phobia of that.

12-04-10, 22:14
Hi angie.................I know how you feel my daughter when she was 18 was going out with a druggie,who had a record of being,not a nice person,I used to worry every night waiting for her to come home,or a knock at the door from the boys in blue.But thank god she saw him for what he was.She is 35 now and I still worry about her,she is my only child.Hopefully as tjme goes by she will leave him but until then just let her do her thing and try not to worry,it only makes you sick.My anxiety and panic was bought on by my constant fear of something happening to my daughter.So let her do her thing and try to be kind on yourself.
Rhonda xx:flowers:

13-04-10, 11:07
Hey Angie. Sorry to hear all that. Its the sort of situation that can shred a parent's heart. :hugs:As Ronny has said there is little you can do about all this as she's 20 and officially an adult even if she's still got some maturing to do. Many girls do seem to be drawn to the "bad boy" type (if he still is one); one of life's mysteries. Its a shame your mum, can't be more supportive of your feelings. She could do that without having to agree with anything else.

Looking at the positive side it should be reassuring that she's living at your mum's rather than in a dive somewhere or with the boyfriend. That's much safer in every sense and shows an element of common sense on her part.

Given that this lad caused the harm 5 years ago when 13 its possible that he's grown into a different lad now, and may not have realised that his Nan would go off the deep end all those years ago. Its a hope anyway.

Clearly the events of that day hurt you a lot at the time, and still affect you now. Have you considered writing to him about it, if he has changed then he might apologise and slowly you could all move on. I'm not saying it will happen or work but it may be worth a try and gives you some moral high ground back.

For now here's a :bighug1:

16-04-10, 16:07
Thankyou so much for your kind replies.
I have sunk so very low again and am struggling so badly with the depression and anxiety again because of this.

16-04-10, 17:09
Ahhh, Angiebaby. Yup, that's where Truro is. Sadly this is one of the toughest times as a parent. You'll probably end up picking up the pieces later but really all you can do is try and let her and the anguish go. That way you and the relationship will be in a good enough state if her situation takes a bad turn at some point in the future.

Having heard of far worse situations I'm still personally inclined to prefer her being at your mums rather than any where else. Only you know what your mums like though. Its a shame your mum couldn't have supported both of you. There are ways.


Veronica H
16-04-10, 19:05
:bighug1:I really feel for you as I have a teenager of my own. The hardest part is staying strong and calm and not reacting too badly to it all, as this seems to make them more determined. Kev is right about your mum at least giving her a place to stay, but it must be very frustrating if she is not supporting you as a parent. I hope this improves soon. Look after yourself Angie.


16-04-10, 19:13
Thankyou again for your lovely replies of support, believe me i need them. I'm such a mess right now!
Just have to wait and see what happens i suppose and hope it works out for us all! Before i get even worse i hope.