View Full Version : Why is everything so much worse at night?

12-04-10, 21:04
I don't know if anyone else finds this problem but as the day wears on my problems/worries get so much worse. I can just about cope in the cold light of day but as night approaches everything starts to play on my mind and I find myself just waiting for morning again. I dread going to bed at the moment as I am waking constantly through the night feeling panicky, like I am going to die, I can't catch my breath or get chest pains, every tiny ache seems magnified and I don't want to keep waking my partner up so I just sit there in the dark until eventually I am so tired I fall back to sleep again only to wake up again a while later to go through the same cycle again. I really don't know how to break the cycle and I am exhausted all the time because of lack of a decent night's sleep.

Sorry to go on but I am just wondering if anyone else finds night time the worst time?

Onwards & Upwards
12-04-10, 21:19
Problems always seem worse at night time. When I'm having a particularly anxious episode, I get this terrible feeling of dread when it starts to get dark outside. Horrible feeling.

12-04-10, 21:22
yes and I talked to my doctor about this the other day - he said that there is a constant interaction between your brain and body with messages going back and fore all the time. he said there is part of your brain which sort of blocks us being conscious of this interaction for the most part but as you fall asleep and the brain begins to rest its ability to block these signals is reduced. For those of us who suffer anxiety and are on high alert we notice this whereas people who dont get anxious probably dont notice for the most part... I know that doesnt give you a solution but it may explain why things seem worse at night.

I do know howyou feel though - rest assured that after a while it will pass. I get it in cycles I am like that for a while and have terrible unrestful sleep and then go into a period where its better for a while.


12-04-10, 21:40
Thank you both, sometimes it helps to know you are not alone in the feelings however bad they may be, I am just concentrating on trying to find ways to cope at the moment although I think maybe it is time I told my doctor how bad things are again

Thanks for your help

12-04-10, 22:02
OH yes, definitely things are MUCH worse at night ! I've had nights where I can't sleep, and as soon as the first light of dawn has appeared and the birds have started chirupping, I can suddenly sleep. There is lots of time to think, everything is quiet, dark and it feels lonely with no distractions that the daytime brings. Every little noise or physical twitch can turn into panic at night, I know exactly how you feel !

12-04-10, 22:45
Pru, I too find that when my anxiety is at its worst, evenings and nights are really difficult. Anxiety and panic can be so isolating and the dark can exaggerate those feelings.

Maybe, as you say, a chat with your GP might be a good idea? See what s/he suggests?

margaret jones
12-04-10, 22:54
You are not alone night time can seem dreadfull if you are unable to sleep , i take a sleep aid for a couple of nights to try and get into a pattern i buy them over the counter from the chemist and they work for me and stop that dread of bedtime and anxiety .
Maybe a chat with GP will be a good idea please dont lie in bed worrying i get up have a cuppa and read to distract myself
Remember you are not alone
Take Care Maggie

12-04-10, 23:17
Hello Pru (lovely name by the way)

I really can understand what your saying. I feel absolutely terrible at night, it starts when I get in the shower around 8-9pm and goes on. I am not sure why but I think partly its because during the day I can just mull around in my own depression and ay night I have to put on a "brave face" for my mum. I also think it is partly because I am scared stiff of having a bad dream and there's so much time to think at night. I have developed some coping techniques for me to be able to make it through the night without a panic attack. Firstly I wear ear plugs so I am not woken up by either next door or my mum in the morning.I have a book to read until I doze off and also my ipod with podcasts and audiobooks to listen to if I need. I also need my tv on.I guess you could say distraction is key for me! But yes I feel truly awful at night,fear tends to grip me more. I wonder if its because all day I am fighting it in my mind and at night my mind is too tired! Who knows, just know this, you are not alone!

Laura xx

12-04-10, 23:25
yes I find the tv is a good distraction - Im a big fan of the west wing and I watch episode after episode of that til i go to sleep Im less jumpy if distracted by something like tv or as hallam said an audio book - especially when the reader has a soothing voice.

13-04-10, 10:02
I'm definately with you on this one; every thought (worrying ones, of course) are magnified, and it is absolutely exhausting. The way I cope is with a talking book - a light easy to listen story (my favourite narrater is Penelope Keith) helps enourmously in shutting out my negative 'chatter box'.

29-04-10, 20:48
Hi everyone

Thank you all for your replies. I have not been about as I tend to retreat into my shell when things are very bad. I finally saw the doctor two days ago and told him how bad things were, he has referred me for therapy and given me Tamazapam for the sleep problems, I haven't taken any yet as I am quite worried about taking medication. I have to see him again in 12 days so maybe I would have tried one by then to see if it helps

It is awful to know that so many people feel how I do but comforting that you all responded to me on here and I don't feel so alone now

29-04-10, 22:29
I agree, things are so much worse at night! At the moment I am breastfeeding my daughter so I have to be up quite a bit in the night and sometimesiit can take me ages to get back to sleep.I find that whatever symptoms I am worrying about are always much worse at night, I think that during the day it is easier to distract yourself with other things. I find that relaxation recordings on my ipod help somewhat if I am feeling very uptight.

30-04-10, 00:42
hey, im the same..its why im on here now! i just start to feel a dread coming on at night, it sucks, i have a major phobia of dying in my sleep too, and like you, i wouldn't feel at all comfortable taking medication, especially at night! i won't even do paracetamol at nightime! xxxxx

30-04-10, 11:20
That is so what im like. i feel quite good through the day but the minute 7 or 8 pm comes around when its getting near dark i start to feel horrible, I get worse the later it gets when i know most people are in bed sleeping!
At the moment the nights are getting lighter for longer but when the winter comes around & night falls around 4.30, I HATE it.
Think its because in the day u know theres always a doctor at hand or a friend or family memeber around so ur mind gets taken off ya worries but at night when its quite thats when all ya thoughts go whizzing through your head etc.
I normally just watch telly & almost always fall asleep with the tv on, Also try do some breathing excersise whilst your lying in bed, taking nice deep long belly breaths & this can relax u a bit,
Its kinda works for me but i still hate the nightime, even thought about working nightshift but other things at the moment it wouldnt fit in around my life,
I often find if i knap in the day, i sleep like a baby but at night im awake evry couple of hours then takes me for ever get back off sleep!
Hope you find something to calm u & if you do... let me know, lol. :doh: