View Full Version : Need to know Im not alone.

12-04-10, 22:44
Hello my name is Becca and Im going through a really tough time in my life at the moment.

Ive always been a bit more anxious then most people its never really bothered me but a couple of weeks ago just out of the blue I thought that's it im going to die I was on my way to college at the time and was just so scared I started sweating it felt like my hot stopped.

Once I got into college I thought ok I just need to calm down and I'll be fine by the afternoon only I wasnt its been three weeks now and I always have this feeling at the pit of my stomach that something bads going to happen I now have to sleep with the light on (Thats when Im able to sleep) hate being left alone travelling alone is the worse because I just see all the dangers and think anything could happen.
Sometimes something the little out of the ordinary will happen and my heart just seems to stop and I get the same feeling I got when I was on my way to college that time my heart just seems to stop.

Sorry if this is a bit heavy for a first post but I just want things to go back to normal.

12-04-10, 23:25
your never be alone here never ...............god bless

12-04-10, 23:27
Hi Beccam

You are definitely not alone, the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach is anxiety hun .. you will get through it ...

Welcome aboard theres lots of people here that will support you x

13-04-10, 00:00
Thankyou both Ive tried explain this to my mum and a couple of close friends but as much as they try they dont seem to understand. Nice to find a place where people understand.

13-04-10, 00:03
What you've described is typical anxiety and unfortunately most of us have been there (or in my case are still there!)

Take some time to read through the information on this website which can really help and also read through other people's posts as you can pick up some good tips for dealing with your particular problems.

Another good site to look at is http://www.mind.org.uk who offer lots of information and factsheets.

13-04-10, 10:15
Thanks Sarah its just so scary because it just seemed to happen in an instant one second Im living a normal life then suddenly im living in fear just wish it would go away as quickly as it came.

13-04-10, 10:29
Becca seriously you are definitely not alone here, mine came out of the blue too and at first it's terrifying, in fact it usually is quite horrible but it's something a lot of people have, 1 in 5 infact, so you're far from alone.

I have similar feelings to you as you've read in my other posts so don't worry and you sound about the same age as me too.

If you ever wanna talk more just private message me you'll find there's a lot of things we all suffer from on here but don't worry Becca, NONE of it can harm you! x

13-04-10, 21:17
Seriously guys I dont know what to say its so nice to find a bunch of like minded people.

My mum starts to think im paranoid about being paranoid:wacko: and continues to watch horrible horror films she knows makes me feel worse. My friends are just too wrapped up in their own problems.

I know I should maybe call my doc but Ive always hated the though of having to call people and just dont know what to say when the receptionists ask why im making an appointment,my mum says she'll call them for me but never gets round to it.

Im completely over tired because I cant sleep I crashed out at three today and didnt wake until eight I think my body was just so exhausted.

13-04-10, 22:12
Hiya. sorry to hear your going through a bad patch at the moment. Glad you have found this froum and there is lots of help here! I do think you need to get in touch with your doctor though, I know it might be scary at first but dont worry about what the receptionists will think they have heard it all before! just say you want to see a doctor the matter is private if you dont want to say. If you go to your doc you can get some help, counselling, therapy, whatever but you need to be able to talk to someone about how you feel and how you can overcome it! Another suggestion would be your college, they might have some counselling services? These can be a great help and are there for a reason! try and get some sleep too if you can, it will help! take care :)

margaret jones
13-04-10, 22:46
Becca you poor thing it is horrid to have anxiety and feel that people do not understand , but we all do at NMP . I think you need to visit your GP and tell him /her how you are feeling
You will feel better when you have told your Dr and remember we are always her for you .

Take Care Maggiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-04-10, 01:03
Another suggestion would be your college, they might have some counselling services? These can be a great help and are there for a reason! try and get some sleep too if you can, it will help! take care :)
Actually now you mention it we do have counsserlling at my college I got referred to their when I was still at school (I used to be bullied which ruined my self esteem) the woman I saw was nice but I don't think she deals with anxiety just people who have had bad past experiences.
I'll talk to my tutor anyway.

14-04-10, 01:06
Becca you poor thing it is horrid to have anxiety and feel that people do not understand , but we all do at NMP . I think you need to visit your GP and tell him /her how you are feeling
You will feel better when you have told your Dr and remember we are always her for you .

Take Care Maggiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Maggie I will take the plunge and call the doctor tomorrow.

14-04-10, 10:13
Hello Becca:)
I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering like this. It's horrible and scary isn't it? I agree with everyone else about seeing your doctor and definately contact the counsellor at your college too. I think you may well find that they can help with anxiety too.
This site is brilliant and I would be lost without it. The relief of being able to talk to people who really understand how you feel is wonderful.
I hope you get on ok at the docs etc. Keep us posted with how everything goes.
Take care. Judy.x