View Full Version : Really Scared

20-01-06, 22:00
I will apologise in advance for this post but i am terrified and needed to tell someone who wont think i am crazy.
I was just looking on the internet about anxiety and i found a post on a forum from this guy who had anxiety because of intestinal worms. The forum was called parasite cleanse and i read alot of the posts. People have been taking remedies and having worms come out of thier nose and mouth.
My cats have recently had fleas and tapeworm and now im utterly freaked out, i feel sick and dizzy. It says that most people have parasites and are unaware.
Maybe i am just being irrational but i just feel so bad now.
Sorry for posting such a disgusting message.
What should i do?
Should i get some medication, just in case?

20-01-06, 22:16

I have never ever come across anyone suffering from this in all the time I have run this site.

He probably suffered anxiety cos it was giving him a lot of grief being there!

You are fine and no need for medication.

How did you find this site? Were you googling for something in particular?


20-01-06, 22:21
Yeah i just put a search in for anxiety and it brought this site up.
Anxiety-prevention and curing protocol.
It says that you must do a body cleanse for parasites.
Sorry im proberbly being irrational, but i cant help it.