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View Full Version : Stop Citalopram Start Mirtazapine????

Desprate Dan
13-04-10, 09:40
Hi everyone,

Well after almost a year on Citalopram my Doc, now wants me to "STOP" Citalopram and "START" Mirtazapine......

This is really freaking me out can you just stop 40mg of Citalopram just like that????? and start taking 15mg Mirtazapine???

It was down to my very poor sleep pattern he said Mirtazapine taking before bed should help me sleep better??

Any advice will be really appreciated..

Thanks in advance


13-04-10, 09:43
Mirtazapine will help you sleep better, it has quite a sedative effect. Cannot comment on stopping Citalopram. Baggs.

13-04-10, 14:57
I am currently taking Mirtazapine and for me it works very well. Mirtazapine does help a lot of people to get to sleep. You may find that you are drowsy on a morning to begin with, however taking Mirtazapine around 9pm can ease this.

15mg Mirtazapine is usually a starting dose, with 30 -45mg being the therapeutic dose for treating depression.

I have never tried Citalopram, so am unable to comment on the withdrawal effects.

Good luck xxx

13-04-10, 18:15

I had to wean 40mg citalopram - 0mg in 1 week and then started on 15mg mirtazipine. I found it terriable...but we are all different. I had body zaps (electric shock syndrome) from the quick withdrawal of cit for around 3 weeks every day all day (this is caused by withdrawal of srri's in some people). My Gp had little choice really as I had been out of work for 4 months and he had to get the new drug into my system as quickly as poss to aid my recovery so thinking back, yes I went through hell but came out in the end, but could not of worked had I been at work, I was in a pretty bad way.

The citalopram stopped working for me, I had previously taken it on and off for around 9years and I guess it just lost its effectiveness.

Mirtazipine has helped me sleep a lot better....I used to be very restless before. I take it around 9pm and after starting off on 15mg for around 4 weeks I have now been on 30mg for almost 9 weeks, it has lifted my depression but I still find I can have periods of anxiety, but am hoping this will improve.

Hope this helps

16-04-10, 15:29
Hi Dan low dose mirtazapine will certainly help you sleep. You might feel very sedated during your first few weeks of treatment. Once you have got used to 15mg you will probably be put up to 30-45mg. I take 45mg mirtazapine at night and experience no sedation. I do have problems with sleeping and waking early. I am having hypnosis to help with this. I have stopped mirtazapine 'cold turkey' with the blessing of my psychiatrist but this was disasterous so I went back on it again. It is always better to taper off meds when coming off them to minimise side effects. I hope you find this helpful.

23-04-10, 14:30
About a year ago I made the swap between Citalopram and Mirtazapine. I think I was going from 10mg cita to 15mg mirt. My doctor suggested I started taking the mirtazapine daily and take the citalopram every other day for 2-3 weeks. In the end I found i was getting side effects from taking the citalopram evey other day, so I was told to just stop taking it.
The only problems I had was the usual cloudy head I get when I increase my dose.
If youre worried about the fact youre going from 40 to 15, ask if you can start on 30mg of mirtazapine?
Hope this helps.

24-04-10, 02:08
I have just started taking Mirtazapine, how does anyone work? i am taking it at night yet feel spaced out and groggy all the next day. I am also sleeping so heavily that i am grinding my teeth badly and left with severe jaw and head aches the next day. I have definitely noticed the increased appetite and have been more emotional.I am also noticing my skin has changed substantially and have developed spots which i have never had before. I have come off Citalopram which i took for one year and my doctor prescribed Mirtazapine as i was still crying a lot. I am concerned that Mirtazapine have been prescribed to me to stop the anxiety, however, the spaced out tiredness and increase of appetite will only increase my depression. I think i am going to request coming off them early next week.

24-04-10, 22:03
I find that the groggy feeling only happens if i try to get up too early, or if i take the pill too late. If I take it around 10pm, then I can get up at about 10am usually fine.
Wierdly Ive been more emotional since being put on it for my anxiety. Even litle things make me want to cry! Ive found that the pills have made me into a more positive person, but theyve not really helped my anxiety at all.

25-04-10, 19:04

The groggy feeling does pass the longer you take the meds for. When I first started taking it I felt drunk for the best part of the day but after a couple of weeks it did disappear. I dont think you have given the meds chance to work properly as it takes time for them to get into your system and then you should feel the benefit. Jo.

05-05-10, 17:44
Desperate Dan - I'm going through the same thing at the moment, I am dropping from 40mg Citalopram to 15mg of Mirtazapine. I can't comment on how the new medication has gone yet, as all I've done so far is drop down from my Citalopram. I took half my usual dosage yesterday (20mg) and today I took 10mg, tomorrow and Friday I take nothing and Friday night I am able to start on my Mirtazapine.

I noticed this thread is quite old, so I'll start a new one in a few days and let you all know how I'm feeling, hopefully I'll be able to add something in the success stories


05-05-10, 21:12
Hi Danny,

I did exactly that a few months ago so if you need any support, post on here and I will try and help. Dropping citalopram in a week was hard going for me but GP wanted me on mirt as soon as he could and looking back it was worth it.

Hope it goes well for you....you should sleep really well with mirtazipine...I couldn't believe it the first night I took it, I slept for around 15 hours and still felt tired after that...but it does get better.


01-06-10, 23:03
i am about to change from 10mg citalopram to mirtazapine but i have been told to stop taking the citalopram as i have only been on it 2 and half weeks, wait a few days then start the mirtazapine, i was have bad side effects, this will be my 3 tablet in the last month and a half i have tried, for some reason i am sensitve to ssris, so hopefully i will not have the same reaction on mirtazapine when i start in in a few days

02-06-10, 07:06
Hi Moomintroll,

Hope that it all goes o.k. for you...keep posting on here and let us know how you get on.

Take care.