View Full Version : Can you just stop Citalopram and start Mirtazapine

Desprate Dan
13-04-10, 09:56
Hi everyone,

I am really worried my doc might have made a mistake, after a year on Citalopram currently 40mg, he has told me to stop the Cit's and start 15mg of Mirtazapine..... I thought it was dangerous to just stop Citalopram????

I am really worried something might happen to me just stopping the Citalopram just like that??

Anyone got any advice?


13-04-10, 14:23
I dont know this for sure, but weaning off Citalopram is generally the advised course of action.
Might be worth asking another doctors opinion if you can.
Helen x

13-04-10, 20:20
40mg is a pretty high dose, and stopping abruptly may bring on some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

I have been on a fw different types of ADs, but have always been recommended to taper gradually.

But you have to make that call eventually

13-04-10, 20:33
Dont just stop Dan ...AS others have said its better to taper gradually .If you start on another drug as well as stopping ,you wi;; suffer with withdrawals and side effects .Too much for anyone .What ever is your Dr thinking about ?:lac: All the best Sue xx

13-04-10, 20:46
Yes, it's best to taper the citalopram, Dan. I would go back to your doctor and ask for a withdrawal plan. 40mg is quite high and you will get withdrawal symptoms if you just stop cold turkey.

14-04-10, 05:43
Hi Dan

Please remember that the slower you taper, the less likely you are to experience any unwanted side effects. Personally I plan to go as slow as possible - the slowest in history ever if need be! A compounding pharmacist should be able to assist in decreasing your dosage in 2mg increments if need be - this is the road I'll most likely take. DO NOT just stop though.



Desprate Dan
14-04-10, 07:38
Thanks for all the advice i really do appreciate it..........:):)

Spoke to the doctor and he said it will be fine, as i am replacing it with another anti depressant but both should not be taken together...

The reason i have been put on "Mirt" is because of my very poor sleep, and i am so desprate for sleep i would do anything for a settled nights rest.

Well i made my mind up, i was willing to risk the withdrawl symptoms of Citalopram for a good nights rest/sleep. So last night i took my first Mirtazapine and wooooooow i took the tablet at 9pm by 10pm i was feeling very sleepy so climed the stairs to bed, was in bed about 10.30 and next thing i knew it was 6.30 woooooooow that is a marathan sleep session for me. Can "Mirt" work so quickly??? Or do you think its the placebo effect?? Feel slightly hungover this morning.

Well now to face the withdrawel from Citalopram, i will keep you all informed of my progress, sorry i have gone against your advice, please dont take it personnal its just i was so desprerate for sleep i dont think i could of made it through the withdrawel period, maybe i will regret it, but i cant be negative i must stand by my decission and take it like a man...

Take Care


14-04-10, 08:21
Hi Dan,

Your decision in the end. I recently was weaned off citalopram 40mg - 0mg in 1 week then started mirtazipine, I had three weeks of hell....I suffered electric shock syndrome which can happen if you stop srri's too quickly and I had to deal wtih the mirtazipine which made me feel drunk/heavy for the best part of the day. Yes it is normal to sleep as you have and the drunk/heavy feeling does wear off in time. I couldn't work during this time though so if you are working you may find it difficult.

Good luck to you, I hope you manage to avoid the withdrawal body zaps (I had them all day every day for the 3 weeks) I then started to feel better. Didnt leave the house during this time as I just couldn't. I hope it is different for you I really do but at least us posting our experiences if you do have them you will know that it is perfectly normal.

Let us know how you get on.


14-04-10, 08:24
No!!! Your doc is right,,,i just stopped taking citolopram and went onto mirtazapine. Dont worry it will be fine.