View Full Version : Helicobacter test - help anyone?

13-04-10, 11:47
I have mentioned on several posts of the problems I get with reflux. I have just taken weeks of omeprazole which has helped but have still suffered dreadful bloating and stomach pain. It all came to a head a few days ago when I had diarrhea with blood in it. I panicked of course! I have been back to my doctor today and I have finally agreed to get some further tests done. I see a gastroenterologist (not sure if spelt right!!) in June with a view to having endoscopy and colonoscopy. I am worried but then I am ALWAYS worried!!!

I also need to take a stool sample to hospital tomorrow for helicobacter pylori. I don't have a problem with this but when I came home and looked on the internet it says you have to stay away from ppi medicine (namely omeprazole) for 2 weeks before having a stool sample. Now I am worried that it won't show up because I have been on omeprazole constantly for weeks. Has anyone had the test which has been positive even though you have been taking a ppi?

I have also changed to lanzoprazole today - my choice - as someone recommended it to me in case it was omeprazole worsening my ibs.

I would also really like to hear from anyone that has had any of the tests I am having done as I am such a worrier!!

13-04-10, 14:23
Saw a gastroenterologist in January, said I had IBS and possible Acid Reflux, I was on and still am on Lanzoprazole, though the dosage is now 15mg not the 30mg I was on before.

I went for an ultrasound to see if I had kidney stones, galls stones, cancers etc. That all came back fine, and I also had to go for the endoscopy. I decided against sedation for the endoscopy, and it wasn't so bad, but if you're really nervous it may be best not to be totally aware of what's going on. They tested me for the Helicopter Bacteria (that's what I call it) during the endoscopy and it all came back fine.

I just need to not eat as fast, not eat late at night and not eat really spicy food. Also have a pack of antacids to hand if needed.

Before the endoscopy I had to not take my Lanzoprazole for a week so they could see if there were any problems the drugs might hide.

13-04-10, 16:33
Hi OP,
Yes you are right, you should not take omeprazole I was told 4 weeks before the test. It is funny the GP didn't bother telling me either but when I went to the hospital they refused to do the test as they said it would be pointless as it would cause a false negative, and I was also told the stool sample test was not very reliable and I was given a breath test, again I had to wait 4 weeks after the drugs wore off. If you are having an endoscopy then they will test for this then, it is the best test anyway no chance of error, good luck,Peter

14-04-10, 15:36
Hi and thanks to both of you. I had the test today anyway - nobody said anything so I just went ahead although I'm now thinking what a waste of time. Why didn't my GP tell me to come off the medication then have the test? Bizarre. But yes Peter, I am supposed to have the endoscopy so hopefully that will give me the correct results eventually!!!

14-04-10, 21:34
I did a helicobacter test earlier this year and was told that you cannot have taken PPI meds for 2 weeks prior to the test.

Mine came back positive, is easily treated but takes a while to feel back to your normal self.

Good luck!

15-04-10, 12:37
Thanks Jessicalil. I just hope that by taking the ppi meds it doesn't give a false result but I guess I will just have to wait and see.