View Full Version : Citalopram review, should I request upping the dose??

eternally optimistic
13-04-10, 12:16

I am on 10mg of citalopram having requested a repeat prescription without seeing my doc. I was last on it about 18 months ago.

I am due to get a review and wondered what people's experiences and expectations were with the dosage being upped?

It was very evident when I stayed on the 10mg dosage some while ago that it really helped me but, this time, I think I need more help this time for different reasons.

I suppose, I am wanting to do the things I'm scared of at the moment without question. Like going to supermarket without worrying I'm going to have a turn, or walking the dog without having to think about the route.
Attending the meeting at work without having to "snort" breathe through each nostril to calm me down - I'm sure someone is going to mention that sooner or later - LOL.

If you have anything you can share on this matter, then I'd love to hear from you.

I know ultimately that the Doc will advise but experiences are sometimes better to hear.


13-04-10, 20:05

10mg is a very low dose of citalopram and I would think that you would benefit alot more from 20mg (a more thereputic dose) some people even take 40mg as I have in the past.

The medication will help but will not cure, you will need some element of over-coming some things on the whole but it will really aid this.

That is my personal oppinion and others may differ, but I have taken this med in the past on and off for around 9 years and tended to be on 20mg. I reduced to 10mg during good times and upped to 30mg when having really bad times (obviously staying at those doses for at least 6 months).

Hope you get on o.k.

Let us know what you decide to do. Take care. Jo.xx