View Full Version : Newbie

13-04-10, 17:17
Hi everyone!

I first suffered from panic attacks about ten years ago and have had them on and off ever since. I have been having particularly bad ones since around christmas time. I can't tell you what a breath of fresh air it was half an hour ago to read all of the signs and symptoms found on the left of the website. Until I discovered that it felt as if nobody understood how I felt.

I was diagnosed with Vertigo a couple of weeks ago and i think that has been the main trigger this (along with lots of other stresses). It makes me feel like everything is topsy turvy and I've become terrified that there is something really wrong with me (e.g. a tumor or something). My fiance just tells me I'm being silly and even though I know that I still feel scared.

Anyway, I'm really pleased i've found this site and I look forard to getting to know people and finding some mutual and much needed support.

Clair xxx

13-04-10, 17:19
Hi Clair

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

C xx
13-04-10, 17:35
I'm new today too,just needed to find out I'm not the only one like this,
Claire x

Vanilla Sky
13-04-10, 20:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

14-04-10, 04:14
Hi Clair, welcome :hugs: