View Full Version : So scared..

C xx
13-04-10, 17:21
I've just joined today hopefully to speak to people who are maybe like me and help me..I'm so scared I'm never going to get better and I think my meds are just making me worse.My poor husband- I can't keep heaping it all on him all day he's trying to work.I have bad anxiety and panic attacks,I don't know how much longer I can find the strength to keep fighting on.

13-04-10, 17:22
Hi C xx

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-04-10, 20:07
hi! i know exactly how you feel im new to this sight too so hopefully we can both find some help. we both just need to try and stay positive.tc lisa

Vanilla Sky
13-04-10, 20:26
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

13-04-10, 21:20
you will get better .believe it , i thought i would never improve but i am getting there hang on xx:hugs:

13-04-10, 21:45
Hi, welcome! there are lots of people here who know how you feel so you're not alone. Take care :)x

13-04-10, 21:53
I think most sufferers from anxiety think they'll never get better and can almost see themselves being carried off somewhere!! But you won't!! Your body has the capacity to always heal itself and it will, not overnight though. I don't know if you have just started your meds because it seems common to feel worse at the start. Don't "fight" on. Try to accept that you are suffering from anxiety and that you have symptoms that are part and parcel of this. Horrible though they are they can't do you any real harm. When you stop being so afraid of them then that's when they gradually go. Please don't despair because you will get better.
Myra x:hugs:

13-04-10, 22:13
hi, im fairly new but this site has helped me lots since i joined. things will get better once you learn whats happening in times of panic.

C xx
14-04-10, 15:20
Thank you all for finding it in your hearts to leave replies for me-u r all really kind.I found some strength this morning from somewhere not to fight the panic and just breathe through them.it was tough!
Just feel a bit jittery today been on citalopram for 9 days now and having weird sensations.just feel so useless for my family.

14-04-10, 19:53
You are not useless x

C xx
15-04-10, 13:08
Its my sons school holidays and I've taken him nowhere,cooked no meals,haven't showered..just the thought of shopping,cooking just freaks me out,I'm just not normal..so disappointing for my family.I'm just so flimsy and weak.

15-04-10, 22:13
no your not dont be too hard on yourself ive felt like that many a times too

C xx
16-04-10, 20:48
Thanks Lisa for your kind words..I've tried just doing a few things each day..I've got to realise I'm not superwoman!! x

17-04-10, 03:51
Hi Cxx i am going through something similair at the moment so please don't think you are alone in this. I have been on Pregabalin for about 6 weeks and have just had the doseage put up again. 2 weeks ago i had the worst panic attacks of my life when i lay down to go to sleep - so am now afraid to lay down in bed and am barely getting an hour a night (most of which is when im sitting up) i am in a constant state of high anxiety and cant relax. I'm not getting any enjoyment out of life and am scared i will never get better.:scared15: But if we give our medication a chance and get support maybe therapy if it's right for you (im waiting for CBT) then hopefully we will gradually start to improve. Dont give up hun, if you need a chat im here:)

17-04-10, 13:13

I've just joined today hopefully to speak to people who are maybe like me and help me..I'm so scared I'm never going to get better and I think my meds are just making me worse.My poor husband- I can't keep heaping it all on him all day he's trying to work.I have bad anxiety and panic attacks,I don't know how much longer I can find the strength to keep fighting on.

Speaking as a husband, and I believe I have some experience of such, the greatest kindness a wife can do is to let her husband take the strain in kindness when the need is there and vice versa if so be it. It's then you learn what love really is, the willingness to give care and the courage to accept it.

Have a good weekend, the sun is shining here I hope it is for you

Veronica H
18-04-10, 13:47
:bighug1::welcome:Cxx. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better. I know how frightening this illness seems in the beginning, but just understanding how this happened and knowing that there is a way back ,even though that may be hard to believe right now, is such a comfort.

Here is a link to her site;


I hope this helps.....Veronicax

18-04-10, 18:53
Hi!just wanted to say hang in there, take each day at a time. It's so hard I know, I'm going through it at the min. Taking pregabalin which is helping me to get through my panic attacks a bit. I've suffered from them for years and now starting to get help. Don't ever think you won't get better, keep fighting it! I know it's easier said then done. xxx

C xx
19-04-10, 16:47
Thank you all so much for finding the time to leave messages for me it really means more than you'll ever know,C x