View Full Version : Feeling of hot liquid in front of thighs? Gah!

13-04-10, 18:07
Hello all,

I have been doing better with my various anxieties recently, but this new symptom is making me a bit worried...anxiety related or purely organic? I have had lots of wacky anxiety-induced symptoms but this is a new one.

Over the past...10 days or so? I have experienced occasional feelings of heat in the front of both thighs at the same time, which lasts for a few minutes, in a few instances longer. They do not actually feel hot to the touch. There is no swelling, no pain, no redness. Nothing to see at all - just a pretty strong feeling of heat. 99% of the heat incidents are in the evening as well.

Has anyone had this, and if so found out what it was? I think I'll go to GP if I get it again, but anyone had any experience? I am waiting for something important right now so am nervous about that, and this isn't helping!

(I'm young, do not smoke/drink, basically healthy and I exercise a lot. I don't have a sedentary job. Blood pressure taken very recently and is normal.)

13-04-10, 22:34
Yep I have had this occasionally for over 20 yrs together with occasional feelings as if someone has thrown ice cold water at my leg or I have stepped in ice cold water or that something large and hairy is crawling up my leg - all signs that your nervous system is working overtime in other words anxiiety!