View Full Version : CBT Goal - feeling very scared & need advice.

13-04-10, 23:00

I've been having CBT for a few weeks now for health anxiety and panic and since having these issues has caused me to avoid doing things I would usually do before all this anxiety like going out alone, staying in alone and so on, my therapist has set goals with me to do every week. Tomorrow I'm supposed to walk 15 minutes on my own to Tesco, go in and buy something and then get my boyfriend to pick me up after.

I'm so scared though, it sounds stupid but I'm so frightened that I'll have a heart attack on the way or something and I'll be all alone... She said that I can adjust this goal as I'm the only one who knows exactly how my anxiety levels are. What can I do to get me through this? Or how can I change the goal so it's not so frightening? My boyfriend suggested that he follow me after a couple of minutes so that I know he won't be far IF something did happen or I panicked... But I kinda feel defeated already.:weep:

Any advice? :)

14-04-10, 03:25
Maybe have him drop you only 5-10 minutes away and meet you at Tesco. Then you'll still have those 5-10 minutes alone and you'll still be challenging yourself, but you'll also know that he'll be there as soon as you get there :) I know it's terrifying to think that "what if I do have a heart attack" but remember, it's super duper unlikely. Walking will actually be better for your heart! Also remember that if you don't end up at Tesco, your boyfriend would know that something may have happened and only be 2 minutes drive to come and find you. But remember, nothing will happen anyway, you'll be perfectly fine!

You are not defeated :) you can win!

14-04-10, 18:44
Thanks Amiee!! :)

I took your advice and had him drop me off 10 mins away and he met me at Tesco. I was surprised how well it went. Maybe next week I'll be able to do it in full.

Thanks again!

14-04-10, 20:56
Well done you :) I know how hard this is. When my anxiety has been at its worst is the past I found it incredibly hard to go out to the shops or do simple tasks. I had some CBT and read several CBT books and I found it really helpful. When I first suffered from bad anxiety and depression about 10 years ago, I had trouble going to work and I used to have to break my day down into step by step lists of things that I had to do, and just think about one at a time. My list would say things like 'get up', 'get in the shower' 'get dressed' and I found that by only thinking about the next thing on the list instead of the whole day ahead of me, I didn't get so overwhelmed and I managed to get myself into work each day using that technique. I think it's great that you are being so pro-active in taking control of your anxiety, it is something to be really proud of :)

14-04-10, 22:14
Thanks Cattia, reading your reply made me smile. :)

15-04-10, 04:11
Oh Ella fantastic job! I'm so proud of you :) :) :)
Keep up the amazing work! Keep making goals for yourself, you know you can do it now, keep pushing that little bit further :) Remember, you are amazing and you can do anything you want to!