View Full Version : a night out

21-01-06, 08:57
just a quick queery.

i as you no have suffered a health anxiety for over 4 years. last night i was out on a rare night out as ive 5 kids and dont get out much. however i didnt feel over anxious and was lookiing forward to a meal being handed to me.

but all of a sudden i felt my left arm get sore and my heart seemed to actually leap. i got quite shivery and once every 10 mins it seemed as though my heart was cracking or jumping. cant describe the sensation very well but it was not nice.

just wondered as i was not any more anxious than normal whether it is possible toget new sensations even when feeling ok.

anybody had this breaking sensation in their chest. ps its gone now. it seems as though if i laugh too much or talk too much on a night out this sensation becomes worse.

it i sas though im not allowed to even laugh like others but the pain gets stranger and worse.

can anyone shed any light on this, id be grateful.
ps woke up this morning just feeling on edge and dehydrated{ dont drink, another pleasure of ordinary life deprived through this horrible affliction{

any ideas jackie

21-01-06, 11:42
Well done on going out!!

I would say that even if you didn't feel very anxious you probably were and these new symptoms are just your brains way of trying to trick you into worrying about it.

You made it through - drink lots of water to rehydrate yourself and don't dwell on it too much :)

Annie x

21-01-06, 16:42
thanks for responding once again annie.

is it really possible after 4 years and seemingly every trick in the book played on me that my nerves still show sensations i am not aware of. all day now i feel heavy in my stomach .i just feel not right yet i cannot explain in what way.

everything new that crops up seems to frighten me more and seems almost to be planted there to stall any efforts to get better.

does anyone else feel this sense that something almost wants to keep you in this fear. silly i no but sometimes feel s this way.

cheers again
