View Full Version : Loss of memory

13-04-10, 23:19
Hey guys been a while since i last posted.
Lately my anxiety has been ok but recently ive been having an unusual symptom, i keep forgetting things. For example i always forget where im leaving things like my car keys and little things like that. Also i went to pour a glass of water down the sink and poured it in the bin the other day :/ My mind is always wandering at the moment and im not sure this is why im losing stuff and getting things wrong. Has anyone else ever had this?
Replies please.

Rachel W
13-04-10, 23:50
If your mind is wandering could it be that you are anxious about other things? I have been worried about this lately because I have been so worried about things as well as my eyes feeling strained with floaters (I have been using the computer a lot), and I think all these things make one feel foggy and have a harder time focusing on things and processing information.

If other people can vouch for this, but I think that anxiety can really wreak havoc with memory and brain function.

14-04-10, 00:14
Research pyroluria, it causes major anxiety and short term memory probs. Don't worry, noone has done dafter things than I have !!