View Full Version : Hi, im new! Help!

14-04-10, 00:34
Hi im looking for some coping tips and advice!

Over the last couple of years everythings just got worse, it all started when i had my loan pony taken away which was all pretty traumatic :( although i had anixity before its a million times worse now.

I get dizzy, feel sick and lightheaded whenever i have to go somewhere new or i get nervous about somthing. In the end i had to drop out of school :s

I also get bad stomach aches after ive been nervous, little things turn my stomach although i rarely throw up i feel like im going too :(

I also have trouble sleeping now, it really seems to be taking over and the nhs isnt doing jack cr*p to help!

So if you gave any tips, advice and experiances you can share i would really appreciate it x

14-04-10, 01:30
Research pyroluria, it can cause many of the symptoms that you describe. Doesn't have mainstream acceptance, so very few Dr's know about it. The symptoms will either fit or seem like a lot of nonsense.

14-04-10, 11:36
Research pyroluria, it can cause many of the symptoms that you describe. Doesn't have mainstream acceptance, so very few Dr's know about it. The symptoms will either fit or seem like a lot of nonsense.

I looked it up but i only have a few symptoms, although its somthing il keepin mind! Thanks x

14-04-10, 11:44
The milder version of copper overload is another cause of anxiety that could be worth investigating. Do you have any allergies?

14-04-10, 12:10
The milder version of copper overload is another cause of anxiety that could be worth investigating. Do you have any allergies?

No allergys that i know of x :yesyes:

14-04-10, 20:05
Hi there, I find that having a therapist helps. Not just CBT someone to talk to and let things out.
I also find distraction is a big help to me, whether its reading, watching telly, being on computer etc It keeps my general levels of anxiety down.
I find it hard to sleep and if so I put relaxing music on my headphones and try to float away with it.
I also get a bad stomach when very anxious, my gp told me that anxiety helps to build up the acid in your stomach and thats when I feel like Im going to be sick. It helps to eat little and often if you can even if its dry food like crackers. Also ask your doc for an antacid to stop it over producing.
Take care