View Full Version : Preparing for my appointment

14-04-10, 03:32
So, I really can't take these "home" remedies anymore because they do help but the problem is still there. I want to get rid of this completely and not suffer anymore. I've been to the doctor before and that was two months ago and he gave me short acting meds but I'm looking for more of a long term fix. A lot of ya'll are saying something about citalopram and it seems to help and I'm wondering if that would help me. I'm tired of suffering and need that extra boost forward into the right direction. So...

I need some help preparing for my appointment because theirs just so much information I could tell him but I don't know where to start. Can anyone create me a guideline so I can answer the questions on it on paper with pen. I don't want to miss anything and regret not telling him later because if the appointment won't help me I don't know what else to do. The only medication I've been taking is time and patience. I want to start living again!

14-04-10, 09:02
Write down all ur symptoms and go in and tell ur Doc exactly how u r feeling and how it affects u on a daily basis, thats all the advice i can offer good luck.