View Full Version : HA worse at night??

14-04-10, 07:50
Just wanted to no what you thought is yours worse at night ? Mine is it's driven me mad!!

14-04-10, 07:57
Is it happening around 4pm? If so it's your bodies natural cycle I'm afraid. It seems to like to drop in a shot of adrenaline around that time so you wake up running just in case a Sabre Tooth is watching you for breakfast.

14-04-10, 09:35
yes always is. it is for pretty much everyone with anxiety. its coz ur less busy in the evening, more relaxed in body so ur brain has more time to 'think'. meaning more anciety thoughts!! horrible isnt it. ur not alone :)

14-04-10, 12:07
For me my HA ebbs away in the evening, I have a bath or shower, crawl into bed and sleep...I worry from like 10am til 9pm but bed is my sanctuary..

14-04-10, 14:27
Yep, mine is. I find it gets even worse once its dark out and people are sleeping! I feel alone, my thoughts race, I sometimes get clammy etc, start fearing I have allsorts.. all the while knowing Im missing out on sleep and should be fast.. then I end up tired, the more tired I get the worse Im able to cope!

14-04-10, 21:06
Mine is awful at night, and as I have a baby I have to get up and feed her in the night, then I can't get back to sleep because I just lie there and worry. I am also currently having anxiety about baldder symptoms so when I go to the loo in the middle of the night it kicks off my worries and there is nothing to take my mind off it. I just hate HA.