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View Full Version : awful night :(

14-04-10, 09:11
Hi everyone,
I had an horrible thing in the middle of the night.
I woke at 4am needing to go pee and when i got out of bed to go (still half asleep) i stumbled across the room and then the room started spinning, and i kinda fell over onto a chair, I went back and sat on my bed and i was sweating and very hot, i felt like i was stationary and everything else in the room was moving slightly.
I did manage to go downstairs to the toilet but i was still sweating a lot and my heart was going very fast.
Back to bed and i lay down and just kept still but everything in the room was still moving slightly. I was then very cold, shivery cold but still hot!!
I swapped the duvet for a sheet which helped with the heat but i just couldnt sleep for worrying about it. I was going to get up then thought well what was i going to do except sit and worry so i just lay there and the last time i seen the time it was 6.
I got up slowly today and so far i feel ok, well apart from the anxiety of course.

Can being too hot in bed cause this????? Did i get up too quick???????? Could there be another reason??????????
I have a feather duvet and with me and hubby in the bed it gets very hot and most nights we both end up throwing the thing off us, we have had it for almost a year now but this is the first time this has ever happened to me like this.
It still has frightened the hell out of me and ive made an appointment to see the doc this afternoon as im panicking!!!

Can anyone help??????? Please :wacko:

14-04-10, 09:24
I'e had this thing happent to me on occasion especially if I leap out of bed while in a deep sleep to go to the loo - in my old house I had to walk down the corridor to the bathroom and I had it quite a few times where by the time I go there I was staggering arouhd like someone drunk with the room spinning or felt like I was going to faint with the tunelling eyesight.

Its very scary and usually due to your blood pressure not keeping up with your posture or your inner ear not adjusting to the change in position.

all the other symptoms are just the adrenalin rush which everyone gets if they ever feel dizzy or faint.

for as long as I can remember I have never been able to get up out of bed in the morning and rush around or I faint - I have to do little bits and sit down for first hour or so and I have been like this for past 20 trs.

Worth getting your blood pressure checked in case its very low or very high but highly unlikely - let us know what your Dr says

14-04-10, 09:27
Hi, if I get too hot in bed or after laying in the sun and then stand up quickly I feel very light headed and my legs turn to jelly, if you then panic this can cause you to get even worse. It can take time for our body to adjust our BP from laying down to standing, it is best just to sit on the edge of the bed then stand rather than stand up straight off.


14-04-10, 19:36
Thanks all for your replies, its good to know im not alone.
I went to the doc today and he gave me cinnarizine 15mg tablets as he says its inner ear that causes the "spinny" dizziness.
i must remember to pee before i got to bed LOL

14-04-10, 20:06
I've also had this before. I wakened up to go to the toilet and felt my head was spinning all over the place. When I went back to bed and closed my eyes I still had the feeling! I eventually went to sleep and woke up okay the next morning, but felt a bit tired. I've had this 3 or 4 times, day and night, but it always passes, thankfully!
Myra x