View Full Version : Is there anyone to talk to

14-04-10, 10:52
I just want to thank people for welcoming me to this site, its lovely to hear your not on your own.
I dont really know what to do I have had panic attacks since i was 5, always been a worrier but got through it.
But since xmas and being really poorly. I collapsed at my sons school (they said it was from flu and being anxious , run down) i can't stop feeling panicky and anxious, from the moment i get up but strangly feel ok when go to bed.
I feel such a useless mum to my beautiful son, hopeless wife cant get out anymore as feel to nervous, havent got any friends around. i am totally gutted i cry all the time but then feel so selfish for doing so as there are people worse off then me.
I search the internet all day praying for some bloomin cure but i know it comes from me but i'm so exhausted.
I had an appointment with cpn for CBT but got so worked up i went like jelly heart raced etc etc thought i was going to die and couldnt make it, how stupid am i cant go to the people who are supposed to help me. I wish it would all go away i loved life so much before this now i dont want to be on my own and then dont want to be around people sometimes either ( i just dont get it:weep:)
Sorry to put this onto people i just want someone to talk to i'm so tired now and wait for the next lot of panic to start.
My hubby says to pull it together god i would give my left arm to be rid of this in fact i would give every penny i own! im losing everything and cant stop it



14-04-10, 11:03

Thanks for the kind words about the site, it's a godsend isn't it. Do try and get to CBT appointment, you will find it very helpful. You can even do it online at Beating The Blues http://www.beatingtheblues.co.uk/. Talk with your doctor on the phone about it.

Books are also very good. I've used one by the same name as the site http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=7xzvI4nOTXYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=beating+the+blues&source=bl&ots=gj8ftbBeO_&sig=zEzL5-YDIIpkTzHfhWFzg_6iaT8&hl=en&ei=zo_FS766FZbbsAa8rsXAAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false
and there others that might help you help your husband to help you.

14-04-10, 11:10
Thank you very much for taking your time to reply to me one of us, i will look at those you posted, i'm guessing the 1st step is always hardest. This site really is wonderful i log in everyday now x i will speak to my partner about that. It must be hard for them to truly understand if they havnt been through it.

Hope your ok by the way x

14-04-10, 11:21
Hi there,
I know how you feel, really i do,,things will get better you know, just takes time sadly. I too sometimes feel like im the only person in the world, even though i know that's not the case. I know when people say the pull it together line, you feel like saying,,,do you think i enjoy being like this!!! If only i could pull it all together.
I promise you it will get better you just have to hang on until it does get better slowly. Are you on any meds to help???
Regards Redrainbow

14-04-10, 11:30
Thank you red rainbow, i'm sorry that your going through this really i am, i wouldnt wish this on anyone. i have diazepam to take at the "panic moments" wish seems to be quite often at the moment. i got offered is it citroplam? but heard so many negative things (i also worry about taking tablets) that its scared me a bit.
How are you? x


14-04-10, 11:34
Hi Hanny,

Another fantastic book is by Dr Claire Weekes, i don't suffer panic attacks anymore and have combatted agoraphobia, so don't ever feel you will have panic attacks for life, there is always hope.

di xx

14-04-10, 11:34
Read about copper overload, ( Not wilsons disease ), a milder version that makes one wired and tired. Tiredness can also mean depression, it took yrs for me to grasp that I was actually depressed, I thought that I had chronic fatigue and anxiety.

14-04-10, 11:47
Thanks guys i appreciate the support x
I have a claire weekes book she really does help me try and understand its a bit like a bible isnt it i just cant seem to put it into practice. Well done for getting over panic and agoraphobia, that would be my dream to get over that i miss shops and playing with my son in the park this really is devastaing on everyone x

Thank you chrislot i will look that one up x

14-04-10, 11:48
Hey Hanny,
Come on the chatroom - there is almost always someone in there. There are quite a few people in your situation who you'd be able to talk to.
Helen xx
P.S I have been on Citalopram for 8 years. When you first take it, the anxiety gets worse for a few weeks, then it gets better. Thats the same for a lot of anitanxiety/antidepressants. Thats when a lot of people give them up when they really shouldn't as it takes about 6 months to get the stuff into your system and your body absorbing it properly.

14-04-10, 11:48
Yeah im okay thanks hannah, meds do help, really they do, if you ever need them don't be afraid,,,they do work.
Regards redrainbow

26 lee
14-04-10, 16:16
i know i dont know you. but i know exactly how you feel. and i just want to send you a big huge hug. and time you want to get something off your chest message me keep strong the strengh is in there:)

14-04-10, 16:53
Thank you very much that means alot, i'm so sorry that you know how it feels, we have to stay positive hey, smae goes here if you ever wnat to talk to me i'm here most days x