View Full Version : Blood Trace in Urine

14-04-10, 11:14

I went to see a urologist yesterday who was fantastic. Had ultrasound on kidneys, bladder pre wee and after, and had prostrate probed. Had my urine stream checked and a protein checked in my urine for a bladder tumour which takes 30mins - longest of my life. and all in order apart from my bladder being in spasm which is strange as my colon was in spasm when I had my colonoscopy. The dr mention IBS, as this can cause bladder and stomach problems.

My concern though is that there was a trace of blood in my urine which has been sent off somewhere. He did mention that this could have been down to him probbing about with my prostrate though I am worried. Anyone else heard or experienced this?

He is going to suggest that my urine is checked every 3 months

14-04-10, 16:10
Amongst many other things!! I have leaky kidneys they are perfectly healthy and work as they should but it means that they leak minute traces of protein and blood all the time - told I have slightly bigger filters on my kidneys so these things can get through - this blood in urine was first picked up 30 years ago!! I have a terrible time at every routine medical with the dipstick urine test as it is always positive for blood and protein - even after I explain that this is completely normal for me they still want to send it off for test for infection.

an urologist told me that if you don't have VISIBLE blood in your urine then it is unlikely to be anything serious and he wished they had never invented dipstick tests as they are over sensitive and waste huge amoutns of time and money in further investigations.

14-04-10, 16:46
Thanks countrygirl. The urologist mentioned to me yesterday that the dipsticks are so sensistive which showed a trace of blood. Thanks again

margaret jones
14-04-10, 16:51
I to had blood detected 11yrs ago when taking out life insurance a routine health check picked it up.
I had full investigations at urologist clinic and everything was ok like you said those sticks are extra sensitive.
Iam sure you will find there is no need to worry .
Take Care Maggie

14-04-10, 16:53
Thanks Maggie

14-04-10, 17:02
Hi, yes if he did a finger prostrate test a small amount of blood in the urine is common. Also infection of the prostrate can cause this. Can I ask what sent you to the Dr? I have had a couple of exams in the past, and once a small amount of blood, this was many years ago and down to an infection. My prostrate was normal size a smooth, firm which apparently is correct. My PSA levels have always been nice and low. Remember if you do have PSA tests that all sorts of things can make the raise, like exercise etc,

14-04-10, 17:33
Hi Peter, yes it was a finger prostrate test.
It started a week before Xmas, a full bladder feeling even after peeing, constantly running to the loo to pee small amounts, terrible back pains and general malaise. i blamed it on the weather but my partner forced me to the drs. I had a trace of blood and was told it was probably an infection, though I was told yesterday by the urologist that they would have been able to tell if it was an infection on the dip stick. A week later there was no trace however I experienced terrible bloating, nausea, lower and upper stomach pain, diahorrea, wind and stomach gurgling noises. To keep this brief, I have had a upper GI ultrasound enscopogy, colonoscopy and ultrasound yesterday on my kidneys and bladder. also had the protein bladder tumour test which was cleared. I am suffering from back pain, general malaise, tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite now and then , the odd hot flush too. I read on the net last week about a guy that had prostatis and phoned the prostrate association who told me to get to a dr. Mine justs puts it down to anxiety, so I went to the urologist. He did find that my bladder is in spasm and it was reported that my colon was also in spasm when they done the colonoscopogy, so he was thinking maybe IBS, though I have total faith in this fella and sure he will find something if anything wrong.

14-04-10, 18:13
Did they check your kidneys for stones? I have kidney stones inside my kidney - I always have blood in my urine tests even though I can't see any with my eye. Its due to the stones, which are usually painless unless they move away from the kidney. You could have one and not even know it. They are painful when they do move away from the kidney, but in the broad scheme of health issues quite benign. My kidney stones were detected via CT scan of the kidneys and pelvis.

15-04-10, 14:36
Phew, Just to update everyone, the urine was examined at the hospital and no red blood cells were found so I can ignore the trace of blood in the urine.

Thanks to all that messaged.

Onwards & Upwards
15-04-10, 15:29

15-04-10, 15:33
That is so great to hear!! Have a great, worry-free weekend!