View Full Version : and cry...

14-04-10, 11:20
Hi all,

I do so well with HA for a few weeks then BANG - it reminds me that its still there.

I posted a little while back about my lymph node behind my clavicle which is swollen. Seems to have grown slightly from petit pois pea to garden pea lol!!

Had a cough for a while also which i just assume is down to smoking?! But woke up this morning and when i take a deep breathe the middle of my chest hurts and the glands in my neck are swollen. Feel so so soo tired and a little achy. Because i am so tired the HA has taken over and i dont know what to do with myself.

Got a doc appointment Monday about my lymph nodes and waiting for her to tell me i have Hodgkins or Leukemia! All i want to do is cry...

Rachel W
14-04-10, 15:23
Smoking can cause a cough, no issue there. If your chest hurts and your glands are swollen it sounds like you may just have a slight chest infection, which are common, and I believe smoking could aggravate. I assume you don't have night sweats or major fatigue, so there is no reason to think that it is anything worse.

I hope the doctor can put your mind at rest.

Take Care.

16-04-10, 09:23
I found lump no.2 next to my other lump on my neck.

I have the doctors on Monday but it may as well be a lifetime away.

Checked symptoms for lymphoma - i dont have itchy skin or night sweats - feels like a have a bruise on my groin at the moment. I do have slight neck pain the side of the lumps. Searching my whole body for these lumps now.

Kind of feel like i have accepted that i am going to die soon which freaks me out even more!

16-04-10, 09:36
when you hacve an infection your lympe nodes can swell dot be alarmed .just rest

16-04-10, 09:45
the only thing i can think of is my ear. It was perforated last october and i am waiting for an operation on it. It could be mildly infected as it sometimes can get really itchy.

I just hate the not knowing you know? nobody else understands than you guys and others just laugh it off. :weep:

16-04-10, 09:55
oh no we would never do that ,,this illness, anxiety isnt funny, no not atall.. we are only trying to help the best we can ,, i have had swollen nodes, i was a nurse ,but i still worried it anxiety ,, maybe see docter then you can get meds to help infection ,, please dont be upset ,,:)