View Full Version : im getting in a state!

14-04-10, 11:52
Im on antidepressents for depression,been on them since nov,i met a guy in jan and since i have met him i have never felt so better!feel so happy when im with him,i really like him alot!We spoke about how we going to take things slow,his last relationship ended badly and he has alot going on with work at the moment,so we are just dating at the moment.He told me that he really likes me and that he hopes we do go somewhere.Two days after this chat he had a meeting with his boss,and he has been asked to go to austrillia with his job!he has got to think about it!i am gutted!i know ive not known him long but we clicked from the begining and i really thought he could be the one!To make things worse not going to b able to talk to him properly this week about it,because im not going to see him hes going to stay with some friends for the weekend which has been planned ages,its not my place to tell him i dont want him to go to austrillia is it??because we are only dating!i cant stop thinking about it,its on my mind all the time,and when i go to bed i just cry,i just want to be happy.

14-04-10, 13:23
Hi Pink

unfortunately no it isn't your place, you have only known each other a short while and he cannot base his future on someone that he has dated for a while.. he needs to make that decision.

But of course you are feeling scared my heart goes out to you.. but think positively, you don't know what the future holds for you both just yet.. you might find that this does not mean it ends... but if it does then take heart that you now know that you can find happiness in a relationship and if he does go you can hopefully remain friends.

No matter what we say it won't make it better for you but please don't let it eat you up enjoy the time that you share together .. he may stay that is a big step for anyone..

Big hugs to you girlie x

14-04-10, 17:41
Thanks sharon,yeh it may not even happen yet may not even get a visa,im hoping not,its just so hard at moment,because if i had known when first met him about this i would have walked away!But he only found out about this at the weekend,and your right its not my place to say anything,hes not going to consider me when hardly knows me.But he did say before he knew about oz that he hoped our relationship wud go somewhere.