View Full Version : Tension Headaches and Numbness in Feet!

14-04-10, 15:13
Hello all. I havent posted for a while but as a result of my GAD I seemed to have developed tension headaches and numbness in my feet which Im told is a side effect of GAD. I went to the docs who gave me codeine but that just makes you feel a bit out of it and paracetamol does nothing. They are not agony but very annnoying and make me feel like my eyes are constantly strained and have a tightness around my forehead. And the numbness is quite painfull. Anyone else suffer with them and got any advice? Ive had GAD for years but seem to develop certain side effects at different times. :mad:

14-04-10, 16:10
are you on any medication? Some can cause peripheral neuropathy (your feet). If that's the case, I would tell your doctor and possibly stop the medication.

14-04-10, 20:28
When I was a student i got panic attacks and was hyperventilating. This caused numbness in parts of my body which caused more panic etc etc until my parents had to call the doctor out. I agree with aimeekid, it's about shallow breathing. find out all about how to control your breathing, there should be a lot under Yoga or T'ai Chi practice.

Also, are you working? When i was in my last job I got really stressed out, but i found a complementary therapy shop where I would go some lunchtimes and have a head and shoulder massage. That really helped me. Worth thinking about.

All the best,

01-05-10, 17:46
I continually get tension headaches, some days they are completely managable and other days it feels like i have a clamp ever tightening around my head. Strangely enough, I also get numbness in my right foot only when a panic attack starts, this usually leads to cramping in the foot.

Does anyone know why this happens (the headaches and numbness - cramping in the foot?


01-05-10, 18:28
You have tension headaches in your feet?

I'm just kidding! Anyway, I've been dealing with the same thing for months. I don't really have an answer unfortunately. Pain relievers don't seem to do much. Trying to do some exercise and maybe getting your mind off the anxiety might work. It helped a bit for me.

05-05-10, 14:03
Sorry for the lateness of the reply but that all that advice is very much appreciated. In answer to some questions yes I do work, ironically in mental health. Its 9-5 but does involve alot of travelling which probably doesnt help with tension. I also have notcied that I do breath a bit strangely, my girlfirend often says I seem to hold my breath alot without realising it. I do also clench my teeth and seem very up tight all the time even when im doing something relaxing like watcting tv.