View Full Version : worried all night

21-01-06, 14:24
hi guys ive been awake all night worrying.i have a pain in my left calf i phoned the gp centre and the doc says sounds like a muscle pain.he asked if it was swollen red or hard which it isnt.you see i hav m.e so dont get about much although i hav started to do pilates again.i worry im not moving about enough so that is why i think it may be a clot.i dont smoke im not overweight .i take fish oil and multi vits and eat soya every day.so i do try and look after myself .ihave been in bed with flu the last few days and that makes me worry more.my doc says im not at risk even if i hav been in bed .but i thought this was a risk .hope someone can give me some advice.take care marcia

marcia lowe

21-01-06, 16:20
Hi Marcia,
It probably is just a muscle, I have ME and I get tight muscles at times. Try doing some stretches and see if that helps.
Try and be reassured from what the doctor told you e.g you don't have any of the symptoms that would alert them to a blood clot right now.
I know how scary it is once we get a worry into our minds!
take care,


21-01-06, 16:26
This happens to me now and again too - I can nearly always trace it back to some form of over use from lots of walking, or doing something I haven't done in a while.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-01-06, 16:33
marcia jackie here. realistically you have to be in bed many days and totally unable to move for this to b a real factor.

when i was pregnant i worried about this and the consultant said most factyors alone are not enough to cause this.

its hard i no as i suffer from time to time with leg pain and have even went to casualty and everytime was told it was muscular.

your gp can do a blood test for this which is apparently 99% accurate and this will give you firm peace of mind.

be reassured that ifv u went rto casualty they would probably look for all the things your gp suggested ie swelling. if that is not present they will most likely send you home.

hope this helps


21-01-06, 16:38
thanks guys for your support i no im being silly but wen i get it in my head i cant stop it.thanks again marcia

marcia lowe

21-01-06, 16:45
same here marcia . our minds are powerful things. if only we could use it too make ourselves better rather than keeping ourselves in this rollercoaster, we would be cured.

rest assured your legs are just tired and heavy like your heart and mind are.

take care. jackie

21-01-06, 22:44
Ensure that during waking hours you are moving around each hour, even if it is just a few stretches and point and flex exercises in bed, so you stimulate the circulation plus use the muscles.

Doesn't sound DVT like at all. Sound like needing to be used.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-02-06, 08:25
to me it sounds like cramp. i get it all the time. i have to get out of bed and jump around really silly to stop it. i get it when im having intercourse too. its nothing to worry about. take care love marie