View Full Version : Chronic Muscle pain

21-01-06, 18:10
Has anyone ever suffered from chronic muscle pain?

I think I have this in my neck and shoulders due to ongoing stress and anxiety along with TMJ problems.

I recently went for a proper massage which I have never had before. It was amazing, I felt so releived afterwards. However, I explained how I had been feeling and my symptoms and he said that its sounds and feels like chronic tension. He said my neck is solid and advised that I should visit the chiropractor just to check there isnt any displacement causing the symptoms. I have made an appt now.

Everyday for a few months now I have been feeling the following symptoms -

Vague from the shoulders up
Dizziness - feeling like I am on a boat
Tingling in the mouth
Weak arms or arm and sometimes legs
Burning on the side of my face abd head wher I have the TMJ problem
Weird sensations in my head - particularly on the side of my Jaw problems
General feeling like something is wrong

Has anyone ever suffered similar symptoms in the head/neck/jaw area?
How would I sort this problem out? I will try the chiropractor but is there anything else I can do? Does this sound like tension or somethingmore serious? Could it be trapped nerves in the neck area? If so, is this serious?

Thanks for your help.


21-01-06, 18:19
hi goodness you sound like me i have all they symptoms and more.the muscle probs cause all you symptoms.another part of anxiety im afraid.i hav started doing pilates again .it is good for stretching out muscles.i hope this helps.take care marcia

marcia lowe

21-01-06, 18:48
mine have started again aswell lately! Ive not been doing my meditiation so the stress and tension are now taking its toll {that spelt right?lol} Im interested to know what tmj is, but im not gonna ask cos its just sommat ill start pondering myself! I think im gonna start doing some tai chi or yoga to keep me in shape!!

21-01-06, 19:25
HI Sadie,

It was good to read your post, because these are the Symptoms that
I have daily at the moment.
I seem to have every Muscle hurting when I try to do the Normal things.

I do worry regards this. I have been told it is due to tensions,
and that I must try to do Daily Meditation and Relaxition.

I am just getting over a cold, but the lingering cough is giving
me some concern, because every time I cough, the muscles
between the shoulder blades really hurt, I have to hold the
back to relieve it. Please reply to this, Sadie.
It is so nice to speak to others who feel the same.




21-01-06, 22:49

I'm staggered that this was really the first massage you'd had...

TMJ: Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)
[Link removed as post deleted]

Fatigued Muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2702)
aching muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3356)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)

Tense muscles tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Achy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5488)
Fuzzy head, back pains, confusion, dreamy, fatigue (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5835)
Aches, Pains,Everywhere, (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6419)
Anxiety : A Pain In The Neck! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6575)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-01-06, 23:04
Hi Sadie
I am in exactly the same boat as you at the moment. I have TMJ and wear a night guard due to having broken my teeth during my sleep in the past, I have been told by my GP that my muscle pain could be fibromyalgia, I have had so many symptoms over the years and more recently my neck and shoulder stiffness have been awful. Once you are in this state of stress where your muscles are tense it is incredibly difficult to get out of it, I know, I am having an awful time of it at the moment. Sometimes I am scared to go to sleep because of the pain I might be in when I wake up due to muscle tension.

The way I am helping myself at the moment is, breathing exercises, relaxation CD to help me sleep and reduce tension in neck area, swimming, and I've just started a Pilates class which I am told is very good for stretching out back and shoulder muscles.


21-01-06, 23:16
ThanKs everyone for your replies...

Meg - Its not the first ever massage I have had as I have had loads over the last few years as you know but now having the masage the other day I know realise that the ones I had before were not as thorough and in-depth. I hope this makes sense.

Penny/Delta/Molly and Wannabeloved - thanks for your replies... I have been focussing alot more on my breathing and relaxation every night now as I know I need to shut my brain off from the constant worrying. I will look into doing some yoga or pliates too and see if that helps.

TMJ - is pain in the jaw joint due to wear and tear of the ligament. People tend to hear their jaw click when they open and close their mouth and have pain etc around that area. Its not dangerous or anything but the symptoms can be unpleasant.

Thanks again


21-01-06, 23:45
Great news then Sadie that you've now found a good masseur that really can help and relieve some of your pain.

Hope you can get some lasting relief from those pains now.


Meg xx

21-01-06, 23:48
Thanks Meg... I am hoping that too.

Take care


22-01-06, 00:07
do you need to take meds or anything for that? ive had jaw problems long before my panic and agoraphobia. Wake up with jaw lock, once i couldnt open my mouth all day {my parents loved that!} But it clicks and sorta grinds all day, talking eating etc. My cousin had the same problem, so i asked her what the dr told her and did a few jaw exercises.

22-01-06, 17:54
There isnt much you can take aprart from ibrufen and I also have a split that I wear at night to stop the teeth grinding, which does help a lot. Maybe go and speak to your GP if you feel its causing you pain etc and see what they suggest. Its not serious but It can be sore and unpleaant.

Hope this helps you.


23-01-06, 09:31
thanks sadie. less worried lol :)