View Full Version : 32, single and alone

14-04-10, 19:49
I feel like shit today all because my mate said she couldn't go out until after her exams, in June. We're the same age, she's my only single friend in Dublin. I know she's dating a guy now too but anyway I said that it is fine. I leave the office, walking home the negative crap is in my head and I started thinking that nobody is ever around anymore, everyone has plans with their partner. I'm so alone, I'm not from the city i live in, I'm from another city but I now feel like I don't have any real friends in either place. The ones I have here drop me when they feel like it, the ones at home all are married and have no time or give a shit about my life because they can no longer relate to it. Ihave no relationship with my mother, I rarely see my sister because she has a boyfriend in another part of the country and spends all her time with him.

I feel so alone. Am I the only one, single at 32 and feeling like shit and if i'm not how do I get myself out of this headspace:weep:

14-04-10, 20:09
Aww :( I'm 23 this year and single, OK so much younger - but thats not the point.

I guess everything will happen at the right time, I'm sure when you find somebody you might not even be expecting it!! Just relax, you have friends, I'm sure everyone on here would be able to understand you and everyone is good to talk to as you must know yourself

Hang in there ((Hugs))

14-04-10, 20:19
Hiya im 28 and single,i just feel like im never going o be happy something always goes wrong!

14-04-10, 20:50
Just I would add my little voice to this thread. I'm 33 and single, feel like I'm destined to be this way forever, depressing feeling I know, however hard I try I can't seem to get anywhere. You're not alone Saor, although it can bloody well feel like it sometimes!! Take care:hugs:

14-04-10, 20:55
lookslike we not on our own feeling this way then!

15-04-10, 00:18
Just I would add my little voice to this thread. I'm 33 and single, feel like I'm destined to be this way forever, depressing feeling I know, however hard I try I can't seem to get anywhere. You're not alone Saor, although it can bloody well feel like it sometimes!! Take care:hugs:

Thanks for the hugs, it definitely does feel like it sometimes, you're the only one in the entire world that way....let down by friends because you are not priority, and no partner in crime. I think I'm going to be alone forever too and I hate that feeling. I hope not, I'm bursting with love when I'm not miserable, I've loads to give! Though I'm queen of the **** ups in relationships though, I can't let anyone close to me emotionally because it's too hard ya know?

I hope this passes tomorrow, I really don't want the title that everyone gives women in their 30's. I'd just like to go on a date with someone and feel wanted by someone. I'm not even thinking marriage or babies at all!!! Sniffle.

15-04-10, 10:00
There are so much single people now in their 30s, its ridiculous that women get that label. I too worry about the labels and stuff.
In reply to the fact you dont want to let anyone get too close, have you thought about going to counselling? They could work through any problems you might have.

Loads of my friends are married and have kids, and its heartbreaking really that the world is moving on and leaving me behind.

However considering that lots more women concentrate on careers first, and then end up in their 30s, 40s, 50s and think hmm when did my personal life go down the drain?

Its not just us with panic who have the singledom problem.
Why not have a look at attending a meetup on here? That way you shouldn't feel like everyone is attached. :o)
Love and luck
Helen x

15-04-10, 10:27
Have any of you tried online dating? x

15-04-10, 12:12
Yeh i have tried online dating,i have met a guy been on about 12 dates,really like him but hes just found out he might have to move to oz with his job!im gutted,makes me feel so happy!

15-04-10, 17:21
There are so much single people now in their 30s, its ridiculous that women get that label. I too worry about the labels and stuff.
In reply to the fact you dont want to let anyone get too close, have you thought about going to counselling? They could work through any problems you might have.

Loads of my friends are married and have kids, and its heartbreaking really that the world is moving on and leaving me behind.

However considering that lots more women concentrate on careers first, and then end up in their 30s, 40s, 50s and think hmm when did my personal life go down the drain?

Its not just us with panic who have the singledom problem.
Why not have a look at attending a meetup on here? That way you shouldn't feel like everyone is attached. :o)
Love and luck
Helen x

Hey yeah i'm doing CBT at the moment, slow process and I want my personal life to move faster than my brain will let it :mad: impatient little me!!

I've tried online dating, and was contacted by nothing but liars bar one guy who was quite sweet but there was no chemistry whatsoever and we'd nothing in common. The other guys that contacted me were all players, one was engaged and the other had a girlfriend. They forgot how small a city Dublin can be and how you can find out about them. Alot of them are just doing it for the ego boost. Being in a capital city is the same worldwide there are always more women than men.

I have found someone I'm totally smitten with but I can't tell him because he shares a house with me so I guess that's not helping my case either!! Ah well!! :blush:

15-04-10, 17:38
hi saor,im just glad theirs this forum!x

15-04-10, 18:14
hi saor,im just glad theirs this forum!x

:yesyes: yeah me too

15-04-10, 18:40
I feel the same too I am 36 and single your not alone.

15-04-10, 19:09
I agree, thank goodness for this forum, makes me feel that little bit less alone. I do have friends and people I work with, but their's no-one really I feel I can talk to about thoughts and feelings etc. It's ironic I think, that their's all the people on here who share their deepest feelings, and yet we hardly know each other - yet the people we know in our everyday lives, often they don't know the half of what goes on in our heads.

As for online dating sites - don't ask!! :weep:

15-04-10, 19:18
I'm actually getting a little embarrassed now everytime I log on and see that I wrote that about myself. Cringe!!!

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in the way I think, wish I could feel happier about being single but I've been single and independent for so long it's tough going. And I LOVE cuddles........

Dating sites are a load of poop Nervy-Paul, I believe some of the women are just as bad as some of the men on there

15-04-10, 19:42
dont give up on all the dating sites i have met some genuine nice people,but just avoid the free sites!

16-04-10, 23:23
Most of the time the relationship with the house friend doesn't work and then it turns sour as you won't get on and have to movbe out. Never sh*t in your own nest is a saying that springs to mind here!

17-04-10, 15:11
Love your positive outlook Lolly, it is so refreshing. :shades: And have a great birthday when it comes along!!

18-04-10, 01:35
Hi Saor

I don't know about you being worried in your 30's. That's the age a lot of my friends have got married!

Now I am approaching the big 4 0 in a couple of months and still single!But I say this with a smile :D........ I have had a few disastrous relationships and now i'm prepared to wait for that someone who will come into my life and enhance it..... Not be with someone because I hate being single. That someone special will come along and be worth the wait for you i'm sure.

As they say life begins at 40 so I in am looking forward to celebrating my Birthday in style with a party and a holiday away with the girls :yesyes:

Lolly xx

That's the thing, my girls are afraid to leave their men for a minute, even getting them out for drinks is impossible. Finding other single girls to go out with is a nightmare!!!

AJ that's my motto too never shit where you eat!! :roflmao:I'm not going there with the housemate thing until I have moved out, keeps the pride intact too!!

Going home
18-04-10, 01:47
Hey you 30-somethings, panic not...i'm in my 50s and met the man of my dreams 3 years ago, well ok he's the third man of my dreams but who's counting :D

Don't despair, don't give up, you're all wonderful people and have alot to give and there is someone out there for us all....every teapot has a lid :)

GH xxx

23-04-10, 13:05
Nice post Gh :)

It is important to like yourself and enjoy your own company - be your own best friend. There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely.

I never even had a date until I was in my late 20s and while it would have been nice if it had happened earlier I was never in despair about it. Being on my own meant I could do what I liked, when I liked and on a whim.

I am happily married now but I really enjoyed that time on my own!

24-04-10, 23:10
Thanks Going home :yesyes: