View Full Version : a wee giggle with the doctor!

14-04-10, 20:05
Hi everyone,
Ive been bothered with lightheadedness and occasional dizziness when the room spins. The last time i seen the doctor he gave me prochlorperazine 5mg tablets and he said this type of dizziness is usually caused by inner ear problems and though i said my ears seemed fine he told me that they may seem fine to me but that was def the problem.

Anyhoo i read the leaflet with them and it said at the bottom "sudden death" i obviously panicked and refused to take them thinking the doctor was so stupid to give me something with that on it when im anxious about meds anyway!!! So i seen another doctor and told her my fears and she reasured me that they were fine blah blah blah, i STILL refused to take them, i just couldnt take the chance!!!

I had another attack of dizziness in the middle of the night and when i got up i made an appointment to see the first doctor again today, I forgot the other doctor wouldve written on my notes what id said, and when i went in he said "so you thought i was trying to kill you did you" and i just burst out laughing :roflmao:it just sounded so funny the way he said it and he was laughing too LOL he said it was ok, not to worry and we would find something else.
It really broke the ice and we had a good chat about how i feel about meds and he assured me he would do everythin in his power to get me better.
He gave me cinnarizine mg tablets which can be used from age 5 and i said "well it would be great to be that age again" and he said to me "oh no i dont want you back here having stuck them in your ears" that was it i was away laughing again.
I cant remember the last time i went to see a doctor and i came out smiling, infact its been a long time since i laughed about anything!!
i went to the chemist, got my tablets and managed to come out and just take one straight away without even looking at the leaflet!!!!! I am so proud of myself for doing that!!!!

laughter is the best medicine! :yesyes:

14-04-10, 20:22
Yes, it's good when your doctor has a sense of humour!! and when they make you feel good!! Laughter definitely is the best medicine. I hope the tablets make you feel better.
Myra x:hugs:

14-04-10, 21:33
lol! My GP is like that, he always makes me laugh if I have a wobble about meds or something, lol! I just give it him back and he laughs at me for being cheeky, lol!