View Full Version : Heyo... eep.

14-04-10, 20:54
Hey Everyone,

I was recommended this site by a friend, and after reading through a lot of the 'generalized anxiety' forum posts feel that i might have found somewhere to talk about the thoughts and craziness that I feel every single day.

Everyone here seems really nice, and its so amazing to know that im not alone with all the whizzing and banging around in my head that everyone else here understands..

After starting CBT last week, ive realised that since i was 16 (im 23 now), what ive been suffering from is Generalized Anxiety.. Everything seemed to finally make sense when i could relate to everything my therapist was saying to me about anxiety..

Its stopped from being able to believe in myself, think anything positive about who I am.. I have always had low grades, and dropped out of University because I couldn't take the constant fears and pressure from myself..

I wake up every single morning with my head racing at 100mph, thoughts of,'' what time is it, whats the point in getting up, i have to get breakfast, what am I gonna eat, god I'm so ****ing fat, wish i could just get control, what money have i got, shit the banks i forgot to call them, i really should call dad, i must get on with that painting, i have to exercise first, then a bath, that's gunna take till midday, god i feel fat today, might just have a small breakfast, i wonder if its sunny out, i really should get out more, i wonder if my mates have thought about me, i really should make more effort, why do i always end up thinking of her, not that anyone gives a crap about me these days anyway they probably dont wanna be around me, i bet theyre happier without me, why do i even bother living with all this, shake it off, i really should tidy up, whats the point it ends up messy anyway, what time is it now, i really should get up...''

and thats just before i get out of bed in the morning.. so stupid.

so yea.. just hoping that i can use this place to relate to some of the crazy i feel, and maybe write a few things too.

Hope everyone is good :)


14-04-10, 20:55
Hi wigi-woo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-04-10, 21:17
Welcome my lovely.... I hope these guys do for you what they did for me x

Vanilla Sky
15-04-10, 11:39
HI ane welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
15-04-10, 13:01
:welcome:to NMP.:hugs:
