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View Full Version : Alcohol and Citralopram??

14-04-10, 21:38
Last night I drank some ales which my Mum had brought back from her holidays. I drank them at the same time I took my Citalopram (Not clever, I know) and this afternoon and tonight I am proper struggling.

I'm getting derealisation, panic attacks and feelings of not being able to control my thoughts.

Is this normal when one consumes alcohol while taking Citalopram?? I'm on 40mg Citalopram, 1mg Risperidone and 40mg Propranolol three times a day

Thanks for any help


14-04-10, 21:51
I think you'll just have to wait for them to were off, that's after all the only option.
It does say not to drink on citalopram on the packet, I was on 20mg before and have drunk on them, it just seemed to speed up the alcoholic effect, but 40mg and the other drugs I havent done.

Id guess you will have to ride it through and and tomorrow maybe youll feel better.
Dont stop taking the meds and if you do dont reduce it much.
And perhaps drink some water. Other than that idk

14-04-10, 23:33
It's possible that mixing those quantities of medication with alcohol has triggered some temporary physical effects. A small amount of booze shouldn't hurt much if you're taking citalopram alone, but combining it with all the other stuff as well is not a good idea mate.

Straw Jacket
15-04-10, 08:19
I went through a phase of drinking a lot and also being on citalopram, the combination was..well...pretty horrific, massive panic attacks, depressing thoughts and all the other "lovely" symptoms we get amplified to the power of ten.

Basically since citalopram is an anti-depressant and alcohol is a depressant they cancel each other out and of course already being susceptible to anxiety only makes things worse.

Moderation is they key..as far as my doctor said it is ok to have a couple of drinks during the week, overdoing it however is not advised!

source: personal experience

hope you feel better soon!

15-04-10, 09:38
Thanks for the replies everybody. I feel much better this morning after a good nights sleep.

So in affect, I guess it was almost like a missed a dose of Citalopram. Not good, usually I don't drink and I never do drugs because I don't like they way they can alter your state of mind, I much prefer to feel in control.

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Devon, so I may try and get out the house for a little while later and go for a walk :)

Hope everybody is doing alright


15-04-10, 17:24
Just thought I would mention my reaction to alcohol and ciralopram.

After being on ciralopram for about 3 weeks (feeling loads better in myself), I went out on a pub quiz night. I drank 2 pints slowly over the course of a couple of hours.

The next couple of days were terrible, my anxiety was back and I was feeling really low in myself.

I spoke to my DR regarding this and she says med's can have different effects on people. I am officially alcohol free now and feeling there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


15-04-10, 17:37
Paul mate thats the same feelings I found too, maybe it's quite a common reaction when you drink alcohol, I'm sure it causes problems with other anti-depressants too, probably not just Citalopram.

The only thing I've found today is feeling very tired, but my anxiety seems to be backing of a little.

Glad the Citalopram is helping you and welcome to NMP

Danny :)

17-04-10, 12:52
I think its ok to drink in moderation. The 1st drink I had was last weekend that was after stopping for 2 months.Last night we had a bbq and I drank 3 glasses of rose and a rum and coke. I feel fine today just a slight headache which I took paracetmol for. I was a binge drinker before I went on citalopram so I have to really watch myself. But if you can control what you drink just have a few then I dont see the harm.
I am only 20 mg of citalopram so not a very high dose but I have the best sleep ever! It has helped me a lot no anxiety at all and lifted me out of my depresion:)