View Full Version : How do you report a doctor ???

sarah jayne
14-04-10, 22:04
I went to the doctors today and had a horrible experience there. It was a doctor i'd never seen before and he was rude, uncaring and talked to me like i was a peice of crap, he basically told me that my pain is all in my head, he said because i suffer from anxiety i feel pain more and if i was less stressed i wouldnt feel it ! ( even though i can barely walk, av a swollen ankle n av 3 slipped disks in my neck n suffer from sciatica) i walked out the room and burst into tears, i was so upset that the lovely secretary that works there took me behind the counter and asked me what was wrong n then went and shouted at the doctor ! Shes made a note of it and wants me to go back in the morning to see the doctor i normally see who wasnt there ( theres only 1 dodctor whos there at a time) Im definately going back as i cant cope with this pain but i dont want the horrible doctor to get away with how he spoke to me and the way he treated me. my hubby thinks he had a bad day n took it out on me but i dont find it acceptable at all. What would you do ?

sarah jayne
14-04-10, 22:06
i forgot to add that he told me to stop going there as there is nothing they can do even thugh im in constant pain and dont know why my ankle is swollen and why my back keeps goin...

14-04-10, 22:10
ask for a copy of the complaints procedure at the surgery but i imagine the will direct u to ur local primary care trustalso known as a pct . i hope that helps. good luck> id be to nervous complaining lol ur very brave

14-04-10, 22:12
if it not a normal dr at the surgery then go for it but i get nervous that if i complain i will get tarred with a bad brush and stuck with a crappy dr all my life lol

sarah jayne
14-04-10, 22:14
thanks for your reply. Hes a new doctor thats just recently started, the receptionist said that none of the staff like him cause hes been rude to everyone...

margaret jones
14-04-10, 22:14
There will be a complaints procedure ask the secratery tomorrow and dont be afraid to continue with your complaint

sarah jayne
14-04-10, 22:16
Im not afraid, theres no way im going to let him get way with treating me like that. i was so upset i cried all the way home. I am so angry cause i went there for help and came home feelig a thousand times worse...

14-04-10, 23:29
Oh sarah, poor you.

How dare he make you feel so upset, he is one doc out of thousands, i would definately report him and go back and see your usual doctor. I have suffered with sciatica for years and i know how excruciating it can be and i would be livid if a doc treated me that way.

I don't care if he was having a bad day or not, he gets paid good money to provide a service and that service is to help find a cure, ease pain, reassure and not to make someone feel ten times worse than they did before:mad:

How unprofessional of him!

sending you a huge :hugs:

di xx

sarah jayne
15-04-10, 14:50
Thanks di, i went back this morning and am so glad i did. I have more reason to report him now as i saw my own doctor who did a thorough examination and he thinks ive got another slipped disk in my lower back, ive been put on diazapam to relax the muscles and have to have an mri to confirm this.
Sarah xx

15-04-10, 22:21

I am a Practice Manager of a GP surgery, definitely contact the Practice Manager and ask for the complaints procedure, also contact your PCT (primary care trust)

The GP concerned will be given an opportunity to explain what was going on in his thought process at the time and be required to report back. Its really important you report him, just in case anyone else has experienced issues before hand.

What is the setup with this PRactice? Normally there is a senior partner who would take up these concerns on behalf of the PRactice.


15-04-10, 22:59
Remember that he's getting paid a heck of a lot of money to look after you, so don't feel bad about reporting him. He didn't think twice about making you feel bad. That's awful. How dare he.
Myra x:hugs: