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View Full Version : Chest Pain Unsure

14-04-10, 23:23
Hi everyone well the last few days i have been suffering with chest pain so today i chose to go see my GP well she wasnt in today so i saw a GP who was covering for her told him that i had these pains in my chest he asked the usual questions 1( does it happen when i am sitting still ) yes 2 (does it make me nauseas) no 3 (do i get out of breath when it happens ) no 4 (do i feel clammy) no then he listen to my heart and pushed on my chest in places but could not replicate the pain he says because of the answers that i gave he didnt think that it was my heart , ive pushed about on my chest and i can feel a few tender areas but my neck and arms ac he quite a bit but the chest pain feels (the best i can desribe it) like a ripped or torn musscle its on my left chest area around the bottom bottom of my breast and my armpit area. I have had a stress test on my heart in oct came back fine i have also had a CT scan where they injected me with Iodine dont know what the iodine was for but that came back fine just said i had a slight bit of furring of my arteries but i did use to smoke , and my cholesterol was 6.5 and my triglyerides were 6.8 which they said was high im trying to lose weight by walking what im wondering is this my heart causing the pain or Costochondritis i really want to get fit and well but i have this immense fear that im going to have a heart attack before im 40 and im only 37 =( Does anyone have this pain or can anyone relate to my story.

15-04-10, 07:18
Heart pain wouldn't feel like a torn muscle and it wouldn't be localised pain.

Have u tried ibuprofen?

15-04-10, 14:13
Don't take your chest pains so easy. chest pain may not be neglected. My first advised is to consult with the cardiologist.
Chest pain is one of the most frightening symptoms a person can have. It is sometimes difficult even for a doctor or other medical professional to tell what is causing chest pain and whether it is life-threatening.

1. Any part of the chest can be the cause of the pain including the heart, lungs, esophagus, muscle, bone, and skin.
2. Because of the complex nerve distribution in the body, chest pain may actually originate from another part of the body.
3.The stomach or other organs in the belly (abdomen), for example, can cause chest pain.
Potentially life-threatening causes of chest pain are as follows:
4.Heart attack (acute myocardial infarction): A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the arteries that supply the heart (coronary arteries) becomes blocked. With decreased blood flow, the muscle of the heart does not receive enough oxygen. This can cause damage, deterioration, and death of the heart muscle.

15-04-10, 14:56
have anyone mentioned you may have costochondritis? this would start with a pain in the centre of your chest, and can move to the side as your describe around the top of your ribs/under armpit etc. it can mimick a heart attack and be very painful, i had it for about 2 months. hope this helps tc x

sarah jayne
15-04-10, 15:00
It could be costachondritis, ive had it for nearly 3 years x

22-04-10, 13:23
Hi, I completely sympathise. I have the same sort of pain and was sent to A&E for an ECG by NHS direct. I have since been diagnosed with costochondritis and it is very nasty - chest pain is so scary for someone who suffers from anxiety (which is one of the things that I am told makes it much worse) and as a previous poster who has had it for 3 years will testify it can become chronic.

I was never really too worried about my heart as I have no risk factors and have had all tests come back fine (as have you, so please try to believe you are fine, I know its hard) but trust me I have worried over the past 9 weeks that I have every disease going and all I have achieved is making my life a living hell and my chest pains worse.

I am around your age and female - feel free to PM me if you wish to talk more as it sounds like we have similar health problems!:hugs:
