View Full Version : panic attacks at work

21-01-06, 19:09
Hi, I hope someone can help me. 2 days ago i was working and i had a really bad panic attack for no reason. I just started to shake all over as i was talking to someone, i felt such an idiot, my work involves talking to the public. I went home early, but the next day the very first person i spoke to it happened again i literally started trembling all over poor woman must of thought i was totally mad. now i think i have to leave the job because i cant face it. But i need the money.
This is not the first time i have lost a job. About 15months ago one evening i was reading and i just screamed i felt like i wasnt inside my own body, i had to quit my new job and spent a month just walking as i felt really suicidal i never thought i would recover, but with the help of my partner i came through it, infact i only said last month i was the happiest ive ever been. I am so confused about these panic attacks and dreading work.

21-01-06, 19:27
hi layla sorry your having a hard time panic attacks are really scary.the shaking is very common.how long hav u felt this way.this site will help a lot .why dont you try talking to your doctor and see if he can help.you can overcome this it just takes time.take care marcia

marcia lowe

21-01-06, 20:18
Hi Layla,

Sounds like it's panic attacks that you've been experiencing. Has anything stressful happened the last few weeks that could maybe have triggered them off, made you anxious etc? Are you taking any form of medication? The out of body experience that you had was depersonalisation, this happened because your mind was probably was so engrossed in what you were reading at the time and when you stopped you panicked as mind tried to readjust. This can then lead to a full blown panic attack, it all depends how you react to the re adjustment so to speak. Anyway, maybe a visit to your Doctor just to reassure that these are just symptoms of anxiety will help you.

21-01-06, 21:46
thanks both of you. I'm not on any medication, and i am going to the docs next week...
The really bad time I had last year with the 'out of body' feeling lasted for weeks it was really scary - I walked for miles and miles each day because i felt really suicidal - but with the help of friends I got thro' it.. I put it down to a stressfull job sat in front of a computer all day..But the last year I have been fine and nothing stressful has happened recently, which is why I am so scared of these panic attacks - I really don't want to loose my job. I am dreading going back to work.

21-01-06, 22:00
Hello Layla

I also walked 4-7 miles a day when acutely anxious.

Try to revisit in your mind what went on in your thoughts just whilst speaking to that customer. Some illogical and irrational thoughts maybe , that could have triggered you.

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)
How to CURE yourself ! The definitive guide here.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5357)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Things to consider for success! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6165)
[Link removed as post deleted]
Thoughts (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7187)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-01-06, 17:38
thanx for all the reassurance and info. I realise now what happened to me a year ago wasn't deression (or me going mad) but a terrible anxiety attack that lasted for a very long time. I am very glad to have stumbled across your site. I still cannot think what would have set me off on the panic attacks last week... i am dreading work , i dont know whether to quit and try something different (yet again!) or to try and face my demon - which is making me panic just thinking about going back...once again thanx for you help you have helped me so much.

22-01-06, 20:25
Hi Layla

It may not be the Job itself giving you panic attacks It probably is just you are realting your place of work to the place that you have panic attacks!!

try talking to your boss about it she or he may be very understanding and will try to help you by talking to your manager first it will put your mind at rest so if you do have another panic attack there at least you collegues will know why and you wont feel so parinoid about having one.

dont fight your panic attacks accept they are a small part of you.

23-01-06, 17:30
Hi, hope you're feeling better, the best way to beat anxiety at work is to face it, is there any way you could take a step back from speaking in public till you get your confidence back? Hope you feel better soon, rois

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

29-01-06, 19:02
thanks for all your help. i am feeling myself again and i didn't think i would! i dont think i will return to my job though as it involved cold calling on peoples doors. the doctor said she will get me a councellor withing 2 weeks which may be good for me. thanks again you all really helped me.

30-01-06, 08:50
Hi layla, You just dont worry about having panic attacks. Every one does have panic attacks. Just be cool and lead a cool life. I have seen this and I thought It might help you too, Its called SELF THERAPY. I've also done a couple nxiety programs, most notably SelfTherapy.org - which was extremely effective.