View Full Version : CRP Blood test

15-04-10, 12:22
As some of you know i had an abnormal blood test result after being in hospital, so went to the nurse today to get a follow up blood done and she said this was a crp test....now i asked her what it showed exactly but she wasnt sure , all she said was the last result was raised but she didn't know by how much, all the other blood tests came back normal. I'm just really worried incase its something really serious and im too scared to google , does anyone know what this test can tell and if a raised level does come back again could it be something really serious , the thing is on my hospital discharge letter it says that no reviews are planned so they couldn't have been tht concerned right ? Plus i was wondering what would the doctor do next as well xx

Onwards & Upwards
15-04-10, 12:41
They use it to check for presence of infectiona nd or inflammation after surgery or invasive procedures or if you have rheumatoid arthritis.

CRP levels can also be higher in late pregnancy, with use of birth control pills, use of HRT and some cases of obesity.

Rachel W
15-04-10, 15:03
Just a question in regards to blood tests. A few years back after a car accident I had ongoing pain in my left hand and they wanted to rule out RA. They did blood tests. Is it possible that they would have tested WB differentials? I worry about my immune system so this would make me feel a little better if they looked at these only 3 or so years ago. As I have heard normal WBC counts don't necessarily show anything.

Onwards & Upwards
15-04-10, 15:13

I posted some info yesterday, see here:


WBC counts are checked as part of the full blood count test. There are five different things they look at when looking at the white blood cells plus they look at whether there are too few or too many, those things combined would point the doctor to all sorts.

Onwards & Upwards
15-04-10, 15:19
Also, I kinda share your fear about my immune system ,cos I've been feeling like crap for ages and I'm not sure whether I'm just exhausted or whether my immune system is not working properly.

I went to the docs and had a blood test the other day cos I reckon I have polycystic ovary syndrome, she marked the blood test form for hormones and also full blood count, so I'm looking forward to getting the results next week, because I didn;t realise until I read what I posted yesterday (the link) that the full blood count told the doctor so much, so it really is a fab diagnostic tool.

15-04-10, 16:49
Well at least i know my other results are all fine so that must count for something, but i do think the fbc can show a lot to the doctor , but i take it thinkgs like liver function etc are different tests also ive always wondered if you had cancer or something would that be indicated in the full blood count that they do ?