View Full Version : hearing voices

21-01-06, 20:11
hi there well i need help asap i have been silly and was readling things on the forum and then i came across something which had sqesoprinia i cnt spell it when u hear voices could any 1 please help me i am soooo scared ill i turn into that a squitzoprina??? i am sooo worried i suffer with panic attacks and the fear of having another like every 1 else i worry if i am having heart attacks and tumors etc but this has really freaked me out any replies would be appreciated as i am sooooo worried thxs sassy xxx


21-01-06, 20:26
Hi Sassy,

Maybe your reading in to things too much. Try not to dwell on it or you can make things worse. What makes you think that you have Schizophrenia?? Do you hear any voices at all? or are you just worrying that you will develop this condition?

21-01-06, 20:31
hi there thxs for the reply i am still sooooo worried, there is nothing to suggest i will turn into szisophrenia but i am just worried!!!! i am in the stage of fearing illness etc so i have now got into my head could i turn into that?
sassy xxx


21-01-06, 20:43
Hi again Sassy,

I really dont think this is something you need to worry about. Tell me, is there any evidence to suggest that you are having any symptoms of Schizophrenia? You say that you have now got it in to your head that you have this ilness, maybe you can tell me what you think the winning Lottery numbers will be for the midweek draw? What are the chances? Zilch, same goes for you having Schizophrenia! Dont worry about it.

21-01-06, 20:45
Hi Sassy

This is a common worry, however the 'voices' you are concerned about are just our own negative thoughts that go round in our head when suffering from anxiety.

Someone who is suffering from schizophrenia is not able to distinguish between what is real and what is imagined, and someone with this disorder usually has no insight that they are ill at all. I also believe that someone with schizophrenia does not recognise that the voice(s) they hear are originating from their own minds but believe these are from an outside source.

There is no reason for you to be concerned about this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-01-06, 20:55
Oh Sassy, what you have to remeber is that Mrs anxiety is waiting to pick up on any of our fears.
There are many, many triggers to anxiety all of them is what we fear the most.
The thing is, when we are looking for answers on the forums we forget that our minds are open to suggetions, while looking we pick up on things like you have with schizophenia, for a split second, yes thats all it takes, and our minds go haywire, we think, Oh my god, have I got that.

No, you have not got schizophina, Mrs anxiety is trying to scare you.
I know its hard Sassy, but you must change your thoughts on this.
Keep telling yourself you will be fine, its only Mrs A trying to trick me.



21-01-06, 20:57
oh jill u made me cry!!!!!! you re soooo right yet it is soooo hard not to think about it thxs everyone for your advice and support!!!! it was much appreciated!!!!!
i shall hopefully sleep tonight!!!!


21-01-06, 22:24
I'm new! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3739)
Madness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5154)
mentally ill?! worries (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5335)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-01-06, 09:53
I posted something similar recently. I was terrified that I would start to hear voices or becuase I felt derealisation I thought I might really go cray and develop schizophrenia - you really aren't alone and you aren't going to develop schizophrenia.

The mind is incredibly clever and likes to try and scare you. It picks up on things you are anxious about and magnifies them.

Many of us have felt the same and are still here.

Annie x

29-01-06, 20:40
hi hope you feel better. i have had voices but they stopped. on several occasions i have had them but i know they are not rael. its my own md head plsying tricks on me. its generally been when ive been really tired or exhausted. i suffer from insomnia due to stress and headaches and its your mind on overdrive. it gets confused. it will pass. be positive. your thoughts create your path

06-02-06, 04:09
Like others said and this helped me in the past. If you were going crazy or had any illness like you say, you would not know about it.
It takes family members and others to point it out as it is a distorted view of reality and you beleive it to be true.

If you had it, you wouldnt seek help as you know there is nothing wrong (when there really is), so you have just proven that you dont have it and almost for sure wont get it :)

I have been thru this kind of stuff too and my voices were very scary!

If you are going crazy, you would have NO IDEA as it would feel normal for you so you are not going crazy :)
