View Full Version : having random scary thoughts and images...xx

15-04-10, 17:13
Hi......im feeling a bit low today nothing in particular just the general feeling of been a bit fed up....ive seemed to be managing my anxiety just great lately and have lots more good days than bad.I do find the whole thing exhausting though and im having trouble with random thoughts at the moment.......its much worse at night when im trying to sleep...during the day im just fine...but as soon as i go to bed it starts....i hear all sorts of random things voices chattering away...people shouting..and then words or images flash into my mind.....ive been dealing with this by just accepting that my mind is tired and not showing much interest in it...i know if i let these thought scare me then it will set off the whole cycle again and lets face it i dont want to go back there.......i would like to know if anyone else suffers from this and what you do to help yourself....i think im looking for reassurance too that im not going mad or developing schizophrenia as other than this i feel ok:)

15-04-10, 18:17
since no-one replied i decided to speak to a good friend of mine about this and how i was feeling......she doesnt suffer from anxiety at all and i was gobsmacked when she told me she gets this from time to time mainly after shes had a manic day at work....she also told me she sometimes gets head zaps and a buzzing sensation when she drops off to sleep......isnt it amazing how a person who doesnt suffer anxiety can brush these symptoms aside and not worry about them at all.This made me feel so much better so i thought id share it for others to see!!!

C xx
15-04-10, 18:56
When i was under numerous days of stress,pressure and constant worry,I had various voices,comments,things replaying,conversations that happened,hadnt happened-what if's?really obscure random things totally blown out of proportion all playing round my mind in a loop.I thought I was going mad..or had a serious disorder.I think its just the mind getting so tired and weak.

15-04-10, 20:56
Ok this may seem weird but sometimes even if I havn't been stressed or anxious I lay in bed at night and hear voices of people I spent time with during the day.

Especially if I've spent the day at work placement (I work with children two days a week and the crying still rings in my ears all night) so If you have schizophrenia god know what I have.:ohmy:

15-04-10, 22:15
Yes, I think it is just the mind being tired and filled up with information.

I started a new job on a Monday morning last September and by the Friday night, when I had caught 2 trains to a different city to visit a friend, I was buzzing. I didn't sleep at all that night and my head was filled with words, voices and images from the week I'd had and the things I'd been doing.

These days I try to live a low stress life and not do much. I wouldn't say that you have schizophrenia or anything, it sounds more like an information overload and the sudden contrast of getting into bed in the quiet means your brain starts to try to make sense of it.

16-04-10, 12:04
it is totally normal to hear voices when going to sleep - its because you are experencing different levels of consciousness - it usually happens on the verge of sleep. i actually miss it when i don;t experience it!

16-04-10, 20:15
hey I read this a while ago , and this is me!
seriously I thought I was losing the plot.
I have the constant mind chatter, random images, voices in my head, scary thought, those dreaming images even though im sure i am awake.
its totally normal lots of people suffer from it.
it is scary when it happens and can really make it scary to go to bed :(
but what helps me is simple, count sheep and see them jumping over the fence.
it helps calm down the mind chatter, which is one of the main things that prevent us from falling asleep.
also hynoiss cd's are good.
relaxation music.
listening to the radio too, I do this that one a lot!

19-04-10, 00:10
Definitely far from alone on this one. The other day I couldn't stop thinking about a big cylindrical building in the ocean....

I've never seen such a thing yet for some reason the thought was terrifying.

Oh and also it's ALWAYS worse at night for me too and first thing in the morning. Sometimes it can be all day!

andrea thompson
19-04-10, 01:05
hiya hon

oh wow - your symptoms match mine exactly!!!!! cant believe you have posted this tonight...

i too have been doing really well - so havent been n here much. but basically i am having really good days. defo more good than bad. BUT last fw days been having scary thoughts - worrying that i might just be ill again (with depression) i have had some twitching in eye which i havent had for weeks. now i have woke up with palps and hot flush!!!!!!! the worst is defo the mind chatter - thinking the same thing over and over. i worry that i may be schizophrenic and i might hurt myself or someone else - its awful isnt it.

cant bel;ieve just logged on cos worried and you are in exactly the same place.

i am just finishing my period which could have something to do with my state of mind and also getting ready to move house so maybe it is just a build of stress. and i have just building my hours back up at work after a long period of sick so there that aswell!!!

oh my god - it must be my minds way of dealing with the stress that has been gradually building and you know what i didnt even notice it coming.

so yes hon i get all those feelings too.. take care.. andrea x x

19-04-10, 01:18
Mind chatter is what causes my anxiety to peak too and then I feel awful and stuck in that repeated feeling until I distract myself properly then it tends to subside till I'm relaxed again!

19-04-10, 11:04
Thanks everyone for all your posts....its reassuring to know im not alone in suffering these dreadful thoughts and images......im still having them but i have been trying thought swapping and it seems to help a little even thou its quite difficult to do......i guess the more i practice doing it.. the easier it will become....xxx:D

19-04-10, 12:46
if u had schitzophrenia u wudnt even think u might have it, u wouldnt even think there was anything wrong with u, ud think ur actionsd and thoughts were completely n utterley normal and wouldnt question it. ppl with shcitzophrenia dont wonder if they mightbe going mad etc, they arent even aware of it. u certainly are not developing this, it is coz ur tired ALONG with ur anxiety disorder, both things together are hideously uncomfortable! Do what i do:drink a nice warm horlicks or ovaltine before bed, have quiet peaceful time before bed (i.e not music! read a book with the lights slightly dimmed). then lay down and think about all the positive things u achieved that day and what u want to do tomorrow, and everytime u feel a bit of weirdness creeping through, say 'No!' in ur head and imagine ur pushing that thought to the back of ur head and letting it disappear behind u, i do this everynight and its really calming. the ovaltine really helps too! but please be assured u r not going mad or insane or anything like that, everyone suffers with thoughts at night time, its just ppl with anci9ety are much more aware of it and they let it bother them and get worried about any slight thing that isnt cosidered to be a 'normal' thought or image in their head. Hope that makes sense anyway. Do what i said tonight and see if that helps, keep us updated hun xxx

19-04-10, 22:21
Research pyroluria, it can cause symptoms like this, and ie easily rectified by taking zinc and vitB6.

21-04-10, 23:04
Research pyroluria, it can cause symptoms like this, and ie easily rectified by taking zinc and vitB6.

Not this again.

Why do you keep telling people to research this? Youve said it so many times, (mostly where its clear cut anxiety symptoms and nothing more.. or at least it was, until you came along scaring them/putting new ideas in ppl's heads) tbh I find it a bit annoying that you keep worrying dozens of people telling them to research something simply because you have it.

Anyway, I think crazyhayz said it perfectly :), I couldnt have said it better myself tbh. Dont worry (Easier said than done perhaps).. And Im 100% sure half of us, if not more have worried we're going mad at times!

Hows things been over the last few days?

21-04-10, 23:21
I've researched it and yes it can give you similar symptoms but it's not the be all and end all of it Chrislot.

Here here for Nikkinik!

I hate these thoughts but they come and go so I guess they have to be lived with

jaded jean
23-04-10, 06:20
Hi all.
my worst time is early morning-like 4.30am wake up myriad of thoughts conversations I had the previous day anything that can materialise in there does. So, I lie in bed tying to concentrate on breathing but I have to get up. I take my diazepam-2mg then it starts to dissipate as I put tv on and the rest of the family start getting up for work so I am a bit more occupied.