View Full Version : I think I'm agoraphobic

15-04-10, 22:01
The first time I heard the term agoraphobic was when I first saw the movie "Copycat" with Sigorney Weaver. I thought the word ment afraid of blood and guts. I wasn't agoraphobic yet and I was pretty social. I was still a teenager when I saw that movie. I was sexually abused as a child and lost my virginity at age 13 to my bestfriend. I think I'm gay; I'm 29 and I think. My mom left when I was two and I developed an obsession with her, putting her on a pedestal. I remember dreaming about her and wanting her and the few times I got to see her as a kid, I remember balling insanely when she left. So I had a sexual relationship with my bestfriend til I was 17. I did drugs with hiim and we had lots of friends. The sex we had was a secret, but I did fall in love with him. I loved him, and one night at denny's he told me he didn't like me. He said it more than once and it was out of the blue. He did it to see how I would react. I reacted badly. I said nothing, but the next night when we started to have sex (we would pretend to be asleep), he just started to look grosse to me, his skin was grosse to me, so I stopped pretending to be asleep and pulled off, it was dark, and I collected my clothes in the dark of his room, got dressed and walked home. I stopped talking to him and everyone he had ever introduced me to. This was the first time I isolated myself. I isolated myself for a whole year. My entire 17th year I slept during the day and watched the sitcom "Friends". I was awake when everyone else was asleep. When I turned 18 I started dating again and going out to clubs, I met someone and fell in love with him too, but it only lasted a month. It ended with me just recognising in his behavior that he was done with me, we never even verbally broke up. I just left and never contacted himi again. I re isolated myself. I think the first time I had a panic attack was when I was 17, the first time I isolated myself. I went to the store with my dad, he wanted me to get out of the house. I walked in, it was frys, and I felt like everyone was stairing at me. My legs started to feel weak while I walked though the store and I know my vision blurred cuz it still does to this day. I asked my dad for the keys to his car and he said no and then I started to get loud demanding the keys, letting him know I had to get out. He gave me the keys and I went to the car and sat in it while I waited for him to come out. I came home and went right back to my room. when I was like 19 or 20 I met this girl name Carrie, she kind of became my girlfriend and we roomed up together. I had a job while we lived together, but I was absolutely miserable and I wouldn't talk to anyone at work but Carrie (we worked together). Anyway my time with Carrie was just me with her and eventually another guy came into the picture, who I fell in love with; it was a threesome. He proposed to her and I cut myself out of the picture, by moving out and moving in with my mom. I felt we should all be equal and if they got married, where would that leave me, so I got hurt and left. While living with my Mom I still maintained isolation, she lived in a lake house iin Iowa and I could just pace the private golf course, swim in the lake, or hike the forest on the other side of the lake. Im a big pacer. I never met anyone knew and eventually I moved back to Arizona to live with my dad. I was isolated for a year and moved back to my moms and lived with her in iso for 3 years and moved back to my dads and stayed in iso for 2 years. My mom went through a bad devorce and ended up moving here to Arizona. I paid for her and my brother to live for like a full year. She would come over every morning and we get coffee and go hiking at South Mountain, they just moved back to washington and I find myself back in isolation. I work as a Security Guard now and I guard a site that's in the middle of the desert. I work completely alone with no supervision. I only make two calls to the office to let my employer know I'm on site and when I'm leaving. It's also important to mention that when I was like 21 I got a hair restoration procedure, because at like 19 I started to lose my hair in the front. Nobody told me bald men were sexy and I had such low self esteem. I thought I had to be abercrombie attractive to get ahead in the world and that I needed to be fantasy material. The doctor said I only would need one procedure. Ive had 3 since and still need another one. It just occurred to me that my phobia exsisted before the resto procedure, up til like yesterday, I really thought all of this was cuz of the resto procedure, but now I think the only reason I got it done in the first place was cuz of my phobia. Now I Feel like I have to get another one just to make it look more normal. I feel like I'll be able to get over this once I do, but I'm not sure that's true.

So that's the long, long story of me. I've pretty much been isolated for going on 10 years. All I want is to be happy and in love with someone I trust, someone I can hold, or that will hold me. I have severe trust issues. I espcially dont trust men. In general with everyone: I'm afraid they don't love me when they say they do; that i'm not really wanted when they say I am and that I'm not attractive when they say I'm.

I'm afriad I'll kill myself before I make any friends, cuz I have no friends.

Your new agoraphobic member,

15-04-10, 22:02
Hi mentaljail

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-04-10, 22:18
Hi Chris

Welcome to NMP :)

What a very sad story hun.

I am no expert but your craving to be in a relationship and to be loved probably stems back to your mother leaving when you were at such a young age. There is no easy solution here but one thing i will say is, you NEED to be happy with who you are, you NEED to love yourself, respect yourself before anyone else is worthy of your love.

A relationship will not solve the hurt you feel inside so maybe you should seek some advice, professional advice, so that when you do enter a lovely new relationship then it will be for all the right reasons.

Try to take one step at a time hun and things will gradually get easier.

Take care


15-04-10, 23:10
Thank you. I hope this thread helps me cuz I am really sad.

15-04-10, 23:42
Hi and :welcome:.to NMP ..You will get lots of help and support here ,Glad you found us .Things will get better for you ,and youve made a big step telling us all about yourself .So well done for that .Nice to meet you ..LUV Sue x:hugs:

15-04-10, 23:46
Thank you Sue :)

16-04-10, 01:29
Thank you guys again. I'm really happy I found this site. :)

16-04-10, 01:42
Hi Chris

Sorry you have had such a difficult time of it. I can totally understand your issues around trusting others, being seperated from your mum at such a young age along with the break up of your first relationship would make a person scared to trust, I guess that can be attributed to trying to protect yourself.

Please don't give up on yourself Chris, we never know what is around that corner, I can say that out of experience.

I married my childhood boyfriend when I was 20, he had lost his temper and been violent once before this but when we married that took the lid off of his temper.

I wasn't overly worldly growing up, an only child, my parents were 40 & 50 years old when I was born and were quite protective, so I entered a marriage expecting love and caring instead I got a violent, adulterist who like to practice mental cruelty too. My father died after I had been married for 4 years, the night of my fathers funeral my then husband nearly broke my arm. I put up with this for another 6 months then filed for divorce.

I moved in with my mum, changed jobs where I met and fell head over heals in love with a wonderful guy, who I married 8 years later...it is our 20th anniversary in November and I love him more than ever.

I would never have believed all those years ago that I could find any happiness, I felt my life was over, I felt down, degraded, unattractive, not deserving...but it just goes to show how wrong I was. My point is if this can happen to me it can happen to you can too...just hang in there and learn to love yourself.

Take care

Sue :bighug1:

16-04-10, 06:28
Believe it or not I really do try to stay positive and I believe I'll get passed this. It's just so hard. I think I maybe have some sort of ocd too cuz everything has to happen in a certain order now. I think I probably got that way cuz of all the time I've spent by myself. I constantly plan ahead, it's like all I do is plan. And when I get really bummed, it's cuz the end game seems so far away sometimes and it feels like I haven't even started, but I know that I have.

Right now I'm trying to pay down my debt. I'd like to move to florida by the begining of next year, hopefully to have an active and social life. But I do have those moments like I had earlier today, I just feel like not exsisting anymore because it all seems like a pipe dream.

Thanks for replying to me and telling me about you. If I had to go through what you did, I think I would be 100 times worse today.

Thanks again,
Chris :)