View Full Version : Beta Blockers

15-04-10, 23:33
Hi.... Can anyone please tell me if beata blockers actually work?

16-04-10, 00:07
yes they really do - they dont stop the thought processes surrounding anxiety but they certainly help block some of the physical symptoms. This is mainly because they block the hearts ability to respond to adrenalin which causes so many of the nasty symptoms we get with panic attacks. They dont make them disapear totally and I can still sort of feel it but I certainly dont get a racing heart in the same way that I used to. Thje only thing is they can make you feel a bit less energetic.

As long as you dont have asthma then give them a try as they rent addictive or harmful otherwise.

good luck


16-04-10, 01:49
I take metoprolol which is a beta-blocker. I have been in the emergency room a few times with a rapid heart rate. One time they thought I had an SVT. The other times has been a panic attack. My pulse would be up to 150-160 range. Very scary. The beta-blocker does help keep the pulse down (though I can still feel it bounding sometimes). My doctor told me that they sometimes give them to people who are afraid of public speaking or performers to help with the rapid heart beat and the anxiety. It actually is an anti-hypertensive medication.

16-04-10, 07:49
hi, i finally took the plunge and took them after 3 years of resfusing, it still took me severn days and plenty of crying and hysterics to take it, but im so bloody glad i did! i was worrying about nothing, no nasty side effects which i was dreading and waiting for and i slept like a baby and have done since, i suffer with svt and also ive been waking up with adrenaline surges! but not no more they are a god send! best tab i have ever took just wish id had the guts to take it sooner! i was scared it would slow my heart right down and id be panicking but it hasnt really, i just feel so much more relaxed on them. hope thye work for you too! good luck xx

16-04-10, 07:58
yes they are good as al above says:)

16-04-10, 08:59
I'm on propranolol, whilst they do stop a lot of the heart related symptoms I still find it possible to panic and worry on them and still get a tight chest and a lot of other bits. They don't help at all with the mental side. I would try them though coz they have helped a bit. It is certainly a lot easier not to panic when you don't have a pounding heart :)

Desprate Dan
16-04-10, 19:21
I take propanalol too 80mg s/release it worked straight away and stopped me trembling.. Thank god for beta blockers! Dan

09-07-12, 20:06
i have taken 80mg s/r proponlol occasionally. However I have a weding speech to give and know they would help me but I assume I can't drink alcohol on them? can someone confirm please.

09-07-12, 21:03
I have been taking propranolol 40mg a day for 7 weeks now. I was really scared about taking it to begin with but they do seem to of helped calm me down a bit and sleep a bit better. I do still get panicy, anxious feelings at times but not as bad as i was before. I also seem to have less energy. I am having a blood test tomorow to check thyroid as problems with this can cause anxiety. My mum was on thyroid tablets when i was born which affected me from birth for a few years. So i asked to have this checked. What checks have people had before being given medication ? I was prescribed propranolol over phone without any prior checks on myself. I went to see doctor after tablets were delivered to make sure i was ok to take them. He checked my pulse, blood pressure and listened to my chest and said i would be fine taking them.