View Full Version : I've not googled but freaking out none the less

16-04-10, 00:27
So i've had a really good 6 months or so. Obviously some minor lapses but nothing i couldn't handle. I've made a real effort to try and take things in my stride and not rush to the doctors as soon as i feel unwell or in pain. However for the last 3 may be 4 months ( i should really keep a definitive time frame this never helps my case with the doctor) i have been having abnormal back pain. Its like the bone/muscle is weakening and it often feels bruised, although there is no actual bruising. Two weeks ago i had a spasm in my back and was laid up imobile on my sofa for an hour. So the next day i went to the doctor who gave me some anti-inflamatries and a booklet on back exercises. Now when i went into the doctor i was almost positive that this pain/weakening feeling was down to the epidural i had when i was in labour however the area that the doctor told me the epidural was is not where i've been having tha pain now i'm totally freaking out that it's possibly a tumour and i jumped to this because 1) i have HA and 2) one of the woman at work just lost her dad to this. I've come over feeling really sick and it has upped every other ache and pain i experience.

Sorry to go on i just need to get it out. I really don't want to google but i'm getting the urge. I thought i was doing really well :weep:

16-04-10, 14:35
Well done for not googling, you know it will only increase your worries. Does your doc know you suffer with HA? If not please make sure they know as they may be a bit more understanding if you tell them. It sound as if you have bad anxiety and this is just magnifying your symptoms. Try some deep breathing and facing your fears, instead of pushing them away. I find my fears loosen their hold a bit if I can face them. Hope this is some help.:hugs:

16-04-10, 15:00
Charsey, I am sure all is ok. I have been experiencing the same problem and I have not had an epidural. I agree with Primula`s post though I would not inform your Dr that you have HA as everytime you go everything will be put down to that, as what is happening to me at present. Good luck

16-04-10, 18:20
I still think it's wise to put your doc in the picture about HA. My doc knows I have it, but when I went to her with left sided back pain, she didn't dismiss me, she examined me and found I had a very large fibroid, and sent me for scans straight away to put my mind at rest. Most doctors do know their stuff, and would check you out if they thought there was something really wrong. A good book to read is "It's not all in your head" by Asmundson and Taylor. It gives you really good coping strategies and advice on how to get the best out of your doctor. Also a book called "The Worry Cure" by Dr R L. Leahy, has really helped, it has a good chapter on health anxiety and how to combat it. Hope you feel better soon.:)