View Full Version : My constant companion... Dizziness

16-04-10, 06:40
I have been dizzy for a month straight, it sometimes goes mostly when I'm not thinking on it. But it's driving me nuts, making me think something is definately wrong! My head ct scan, heart ecgs and holter monitor and blood test are all normal. I'm just over it nothing helps it I'm dizzy watching tv, eating, standing and even when I'm about to go to sleep to when I wake up in the morning, has anyone else felt this way... Logically I know dizzyness is the most common symptom in relation to anxiety and only 5% of dizziness cases are related to a serious disease, but it still nags me having dizziness for this long must be wrong argh, even dr and therapist assure me it's anxiety, but it happens even when I don't feel particularly anxious. Anyone else suffer from near constant dizziness/lightheadedness? Have any ideas on how to get rid of it?

Also Dr has just prescibed me lexapro which she tells me will probably will make me dizzy...what if it just worsens this dizziness :( any feedback would be greatly appreciated

16-04-10, 07:40
Howdy, I know what you mean I am dizzy all the time to.My quack reckons it is anxiety,but my Health Psychologist thinks it is something else so I am seeing a neuro again.I am on Lexotan it is a very good pill for panic and anxiety...........Take care...............Rhonda:D

16-04-10, 07:54
It's the most annoying symptom... Hope everthing goes well at the neurologist :)

16-04-10, 11:58
I felt like that for four months and it turns out that I have Vertigo (basically an imbalance in my inner ear which was probably triggered by a virus I had before Christmas).

The Vertigo in itself has been quite frightening but the real problem is that for someone who is anxious anyway, getting room spin all the time really triggered the panic attacks and thoughts of serious illness. Even now I'm thinking...Vertigo? Really? Is that all?

My point was that maybe your dizziness is down to something simple too really.

16-04-10, 13:18
Yeah my ears haven't been the same since I had a awful flu last may, the dr says the air isn't passin through my ear right and that's what's causing the crackling in my ear, maybe this could contribute to my dizziness thank you :)

16-04-10, 20:40
I have dizziness in some way shape or form every single day and have for about a year now, somedays I have from the minute I wake until I go to sleep. It's a horrible symptom of anxiety, I've had MRI of my ears and bloods done all okay, I to get the dizziness/lightheadedness without feeling anxious, although I do have slot of muscle tension, which I believe can also cause dizziness. Wish I had an answer for you to get rid of it, I'm still looking for relief myself. Good luck
ann x