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16-04-10, 10:54
Hello all,

I didn't feel at all anxious this morning when I woke up. However, as the morning has progressed I have found myself to feel more anxious.

I don't know why this is because I felt totally and utterly fine with not a care in the world. Why, Why Why do I feel like this???

I feel like I have trapped air in my chest particularly the left hand side of my chest?

Do people with anxiety burp a lot due to trapped air in the chest?

When will these feelings of anxiety go away. I can handle the mental emotions, but I cannot deal with the physical side effects well as it is usually the left hand side of my chest that is painful and my left arm???

Help if you can

16-04-10, 11:49
Hi matthew

sorry your not having a good day - just goes like that sometimes doesnt it?! just wanted to reassure you that people with anxiety (ie me!) burp a lot!! When we get anxious we tend to gulp air - you wont even know your doing it and subsequently you can feel very tight in the tummy or chest as a result - burping it up will probably make it feel better as the sir is no longer trapped causing you to feel the tightness - not plesant if your with anyone else but burp away and feel better if your alone!!!

all i can suggest is try not to focus on the physical stuf - this is really hard i know but try and get on with something else to distract yourself from scanning your body for symptoms. if your minds distracted, the physical symptoms often fizzle out when they aren't being fuelled by anxiety.
take it easy on yourself - we all have off days!

anna xxx